Thin Guys and Gluttony

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Every man who swiped on Jenna's profile and talked to her was ripped or at least thin. She wanted to let that go, to round out their bellies and faces. So far, none of them were willing to try a gluttonous lifestyle.

There was Andy, a diehard cross-country runner who wouldn't eat a donut if his life depended on it, Jackson, a cyclist, and many more who couldn't deal with Jenna's request that they gain weight.

Even the chubbier guys she'd swiped on wanted to lose weight rather than gain it, and the two she'd convinced to keep gaining weight eventually told her no more and broke up with her.

She still had one guy in her mind, however, and his name was Colt. They were together during freshman year of college, where he was a football player. He gained a lot of weight while they were together, to the tune of 100 or so pounds. She loved to give him sweets and extra food, and he never complained about it. Her only regrets were not staying with him and not confessing her fetish to him.

She knew he had lost all the weight, he looked 100 pounds lighter by their junior year, but she hoped he wasn't a total gym junkie and would allow her to make him into a food junkie instead. All day sometimes she would fantasize about how Colt looked while he was nearly 250 pounds and how amazing he would look if he got even fatter. Her favorite feature was his face, round and soft with a thick double chin hiding his neck.

The way his body distributed and held onto fat was her favorite of all the guys she'd ever met, with his belly and double chin being the most prominent features when he got fat. She loved when he would be oblivious to the fact that his shirt was too small for him and ate a huge dinner, or that he never stopped her from overfeeding him. Now that she thought about it, she didn't even know why they broke up. Colt just told her one day and they never spoke again.

In the meantime, she had a date with her current, chubbiest boyfriend to go on and she didn't want to miss it. Little did she know, however, that Colt was thinking about her, too!


Colt woke up and patted his pudgy stomach, yawning. Trudging out to the kitchen, he got a gallon of milk from his fridge and chugged some of it. He was thinking about Jenna again, how she gave him so much food and how she kept giving him treats... could she be...? No, that's ridiculous!

During senior year of college, scouters kept trying to recruit him for different professional football teams across the country, but he refused. After senior year and before he exited the dating scene, several partners of his told him, essentially, to stay fit. He did, until he was tired of it, broke up with his partner at the time, and started being a glutton.

It had been two months since then, and he'd already gained somewhere around 30 pounds. He was chubby again, and he loved it! His fledgling abs were gone, smothered by new fat, along with the rest of his visible muscles. The gym was a distant memory, the app on his phone replaced by fast food rewards apps. He still had his membership in case Jenna told him to lose weight, but he hadn't been in what felt like forever.

In addition, he had a feeling Jenna wasn't exactly going to tell him to lose any weight. He hoped not, he loved spending more money on food and streaming services than almost everything else combined, but he couldn't be sure. To be honest, he rarely ever left the house for anything besides the weekly grocery run, because doordash and other delivery made up his meals. He worked from home even before the pandemic, so he was used to the indoors introverted lifestyle anyways.

Another reason he was worried about talking to Jenna again and possibly having a meal with her was because he was becoming quite a slobby eater, not bothering to conceal burps or eat cleanly, and he didn't want to turn her off with his habits. He was conflicted though, because he still loved her immensely and wanted to at least be friends again.

He groaned and grabbed his phone, getting up and going to the pantry. In the pantry, he grabbed a bunch of packs of pastries and donuts before going to the couch and swiping through Tinder, mindlessly eating his makeshift breakfast.

His mind was just getting off Jenna when the next choice on Tinder came up: Jenna Nulin.

He immediately used his first super like on her and put his phone away, instead choosing to watch something on Netflix.

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