Colt's Gaining

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Colt's dedication to gaining weight after not hitting his goal the month previous was absolutely stunning. Jenna watched Colt get bigger every week, hell, every day, and he got more comfortable to snuggle with. His belly was getting softer and bigger, along with his moobs and neck. He was getting close to outgrowing mediums, determined to eat his way out of his favorite jeans by the next weigh-in.

His diet was tweaked often to pump more calories into his gut, adding a seventh meal in the middle of the night when he woke up hungry. Halfway through August, even with the midnight meal, he was able to eat all day, which made him start piling on weight even faster.

One day, some of Colt's work friends invited him to a get-together at a local bar, the perfect opportunity to overeat past his usual limits with alcohol to back him up.

"Hey honey?" Colt asked.

"Yeah?" Jenna replied from the kitchen.

"My friends want to get together at the bar next Saturday, can I go?" he asked.

"Of course, as long as you keep your belly full!" she replied happily.

"Trust me, I'll eat a lot more because I'll be wasted," he said, chuckling.

"And that greasy bar food will do a number on your gut,"

"I could go for a plate of their chicken strips right now, so delicious and fattening...."

He was already looking forward to it, as he could practically already feel his belly full of greasy, heavy bar food and bubbly, rich beer.

"Get your head out of the clouds, fatty, dinner's ready!" Jenna laughed, looking at Colt.

He nodded and got up, walking to the dining room table. Jenna set down the pots and tray of food in front of him and got the two-liters of Diet Coke for him before sitting down beside him and watching him eat. That night, his dinner was focused on carbs, being mashed potatoes with ground beef and extra butter and cream, mac and cheese with bacon, hot dogs, extra butter, and extra cheese, and extra buttery garlic toast with cheese melted on top. Colt ravenously ate, food disappearing into his gut at incredible speeds, which Jenna couldn't take her eyes off of.

Jenna loved to watch her boyfriend gain weight, and she knew he loved it too! Sometimes, she would walk in on Colt admiring his fat in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the corner of their bedroom, jiggling it and squeezing it with a huge smile on his face. She would walk up behind him, wrapping her thin arms around his ever-thickening body, and kiss him before she explored his fat as well.

When he finished his dinner, he licked his lips, burped and excused himself, and sat back in his chair, happily patting his belly. He could barely wait for dessert despite being full because Jenna was making him an secret number of cheesecakes, his favorite dessert. According to her, they would all be different but equally delicious as well as equally fattening. In addition, they would taste better because of the massive sugar craving all that Diet Coke would give him.

He sat down on the couch and started flipping through channels, landing on TLC where my 600 lb life was playing. Jenna laughed from the kitchen while she made batter, knowing he was comparing himself to the subjects of the show while he waited for his dessert.

"Is that inspiring you, Colt?" Jenna asked loudly so Colt could hear her.

"Not in the way most people would expect!" he shouted back.

Jenna walked into the living room with a mixing spoon and faked being angry at him. Colt laughed at his girlfriend's highly exaggerated pose and fired back at her.

"What? We both know the good looking ones- like me," he said, framing his chubby face with his hands and smiling, "are taken and getting fatter anyway!"

Jenna couldn't hold it together and laughed with Colt, jokingly poking him in the belly with the spoon before going back into the kitchen. She blushed hard thinking how he would look at such a high weight, but she shook it off and focused back on the monumental task of making 5 cheesecakes for him. Colt heard all the pans crashing about in the kitchen and smiled, knowing that he was absolutely not going to be disappointed!

A couple hours later, Jenna walked into the living room and woke Colt up from his nap.

"Wakey wakey, Colt," she said.

"Hmm?" he asked, sitting upright.

"Your food is ready," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

He got up and went into the kitchen, looking at the sheer enormity of the five cheesecakes in front of him.

"One is all cheesecake, the other four have some other things in them," Jenna said, one hand holding one of his love handles, "I made the cheesecake in all of them dense and heavy, just like you like them~"

She kissed him and sat down at the table, waiting for him to choose the cheesecake he wanted to eat first. He grabbed the red velvet one and sat down, grabbing a fork and digging in. Jenna grabbed the others and set them down in front of him before sitting back down to watch him inhale the dense cheesecakes. When he had the first bite of the red velvet, his eyes sparkled and he moaned in enjoyment.

"It's so good!" he moaned, shoving another, bigger bite into his mouth.

"I'm glad you like it, Colt~" she said, smiling.

He was busy stuffing as much of the dessert as he could into his mouth at once, loving every fattening bite. Jenna was loving the sight of Colt downing her baking without a second thought, no matter how much fatter it would make him. After finishing the first one, he immediately leaned forward and pulled the closest one towards him, an Oreo cheesecake with layers of thick chocolate mousse and frosted with a highly fattening buttercream.

That one got an even better response, with Colt stopping mid-motion and moaning with an almost sexual tone of sheer happiness.

"What did you put in this one?!" he said, loading up another huge forkful.

"Oh, nothing much," she said, watching as he rejected his fork and stuffed his face into the cheesecake, "chocolate covered Oreos, extra heavy cream in the buttercream, lots of sugar in the mousse,"

He licked the plate clean when he was done, using a napkin to get the food off his face and chins.

"My belly feels so- ~ourp~ excuse me- heavy... that was amazing!"

"I'm so glad you liked it," Jenna replied dreamily.

"Liked it?" Colt said, "I loved it!"

Jenna pushed the other three towards him and his eyes glittered happily. He grabbed a third and took a chunk out of it with his hand, inspecting it before stuffing it into his mouth and lighting up. It was a lemon cheesecake with layers of raspberry curd and dense, heavy triple chocolate brownie, and Colt couldn't get it into his mouth fast enough.

Seeing him shove fistfuls of it into his mouth without any regard for anything else around him awakened something deep within her and she became deeply aroused with watching him messily stuff himself. Her breathing became heavy as she lovingly watched him eat, each fistful getting more onto his chubby face and chins.

The last two went down in a similar style, being stuffed down his throat by the handful. When he finished, he let loose a huge burp, slapped a frosting-covered hand over his mouth, quietly excused himself while blushing, and licked off his hands before washing them. He then sat down heavily on the couch and started rubbing his overstuffed gut, grinning and huffing.

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