Six Meals a Day

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When Colt and Jenna got to her house, they snuggled on the couch and discussed where they should take their relationship.

"What do you want, Colt?" Jenna asked, caressing his belly.

"I want to get soft and cuddly again," he said, "and I want to stay as lazy as I have been,"

"Sounds good to me," she said.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want you to eat everything I put in front of you," she said.

"Sounds great!"

"I want you to eat six meals a day, breakfast, brunch, lunch, linner, dinner, and dessert," Jenna said, "all big and very fattening."

"Will you be making me some of those? I love your cooking..."

"I'll make you a nice, big breakfast every day, along with your just desserts at the end of the day,"

"That sounds so good..." Colt was practically drooling already!

Jenna chuckled and kissed Colt, snuggling into his chest. Colt wrapped his pudgy arms around her and got comfortable in his spot, prepared to fall asleep there.


Colt was woken up the next morning by Jenna lightly shaking him.

"What time is it?" he said sleepily.

"Time for breakfast," she sang, placing the plate of huge, thick pancakes on the coffee table, "they're triple chocolate and layered with custard, I hope you like them!"

"I'm sure I will!" Colt said, grabbing the plate.

Jenna left and came back with a gallon of milk, setting it on the table. Colt was already done with the first pancake, chocolate all around his mouth.

"These are so good!" he exclaimed, "Did you make any more?"

"I have another plate," Jenna said, watching her boyfriend devour the pancakes.

He finished what was in his mouth and slapped his gut, smiling.

"I'll need more than this, will you please bring the other plate to me?" he said before stuffing his mouth with more pancake.

Jenna smiled and nodded, bringing the second plate over. She then sat down and watched as Colt stuffed the pancakes into his mouth as fast as he could. He ate the second plate just as quickly and messily, licking his lips when he finished before drinking the whole gallon of milk.

"That was a 5000 calorie breakfast, fat boy," Jenna said, sitting next to Colt to rub his overfull belly.



Colt's belly was just starting to rumble when 10 a.m. came around, so he ordered his brunch for delivery and waited.

"I'll be way heavier than 250 by next Christmas," he said, patting his gut, "I can't wait for my family to see how big I've gotten,"

"Why?" Jenna asked.

"I've always been the thinnest, so they'll be proud of me for gaining weight,"

"Wait, the thinnest??"

"Yeah, most of my younger cousins are fatter than I am,"

"That's... no! No boyfriend of mine will be the thinnest of his family, hell no!"

"Calm down, if I gain 30 or so pounds a month I'll be over 300 by then," Colt said, "it's only July,"

"I hope that on my diet you gain more than that,"

"I don't doubt I will, I just think 30 pounds a month is a good starting point,"

Jenna nodded and the doorbell rang. She grabbed the greasy bags of fast food and gave them to Colt before tipping the driver. By the time Jenna turned back around to face Colt, he was halfway through a breakfast burger already.

"Yeah, no, you are going to be way fatter than 300 by Christmas," she laughed.

"Good," Colt said, finishing off the burger.

Halfway through his food, Colt had to enlist Jenna's help to stuff the rest of it into his belly. It ended up all fitting, but Colt's gut was gurgling and angry.

"How am I gonna eat lunch," Colt huffed.

"Very carefully," Jenna laughed.

"I only weigh 192 pounds," he groaned.

"That's about to change real quick, isn't it?" she said, carefully rubbing his belly.

Colt slowly ate his way through the rest of the day, his gut constantly stuffed. He never complained, though, because he knew all the food he ate today would be doughy fat tomorrow.


When it was time for the weigh-in, both of them were concerned that Colt hadn't quite gained 30 pounds. He'd been eating six meals a day the entire time, but he wasn't able to snack in-between until only a few days prior to weigh-in. While Jenna was setting up the scale, Colt took his shirt and pants off and admired all the fat that he'd eaten onto his body. He was certainly plump now, although not quite obese, but he was very close.

"Okay," Jenna said.

Colt got on the scale, feeling his fat jiggle, and prayed for the numbers to rest on something above or equal to 222.1.

"220.9," Colt said sadly, "a little more than a pound off..."

"No matter, your appetite is getting so much bigger I'm sure you'll hit it next time!" Jenna said optimistically.

Colt sighed and nodded, putting his clothes back on. His belly hurt with hunger, rumbling constantly, so Jenna made him the biggest meal he'd had yet for breakfast. A whole tray of cinnamon rolls, drenched in frosting of course, a pan of 12 triple chocolate muffins with a white chocolate drizzle on top, and a gallon of chocolate milk to drink. Around 7000 calories in all, or two pounds if Colt was fed it and didn't move at all for the rest of the day.

Disregarding silverware or cleanliness while eating, Colt picked up two cinnamon rolls in each hand and started gorging, stuffing as much as he could into his mouth at once. After eating, he huffed, burped and excused himself, and grabbed the chocolate milk to chug down before his brain had the chance to tell him he was full. After he did so, he felt like any slight movement would cause him to throw up, so he just carefully shifted into a more comfortable position and waited until his belly wasn't so full anymore.

Six meals a day.

How about... seven?

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