Chapter 14| I Need To Tell You

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Stan's POV

What the fuck is wrong with me today! I know I'm not gay! I know I'm not gay! I KNOW I'M NOT GAY! Oh who the fuck am I kidding! I'm as straight as Elton John.

Kyle kept staring at me with his gorgeous big green eyes. They were like two giant emeralds that were plastered onto his beautiful milky white skin. I like him, a lot. And after what he just did to me it's clear, it's clear that I and now I have a crush on my old SBF who I bullied. "Are you still there?" Kyle asked while waving his hand in front of my face. My faced then flushed with red. "I-I-I" I stuttered. I took a step back and Kyle took a step forward. "You were gonna say something weren't you?" Kyle asked.

Oh fuck I did say that! Goddamit there goes all my confidence. "Uh uh what the fuck fag!" I yelled out. Kyle seemed unaffected by my hurtful slurs. "Stan" Kyle said softly. His voice was beautifully comforting. What have I done?! Now I seem like a douchebag. I looked at the floor. Think Stan think! "You don't have to be afraid of who you are" Kyle said sweetly. I looked back up at him. His smile was kind as well as his eyes. "I was afraid too. When I told you who I was" Kyle continued. "I wasn't gonna say I was gay!" I lied.

"What are you afraid of? I told you that I'd accept you!" Kyle said angrily. Shit now he's mad. I don't know what to do! I'm gay and my crush is yelling at me for being an asshole! Everyone's gonna know that I'm a faggot and bully me and hurt me. Kyle thinks I suck and my parents hate me! I started to feel tears leak from my eyes. I put my hands up to my eyes to cover them and held my head down.

"Kyle" I whimpered. "Yes" he responded kindly. "I-I think I'm gay" I responded. Kyle then pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. As he did this I pulled my hands from my damp eyes and placed my arms around his neck and pulled into his hug. I started to sob loudly as I dug my face into his chest. "I'm sorry" I said with my voice muffled by his comfortable jacket. "It's alright" Kyle said while rubbing my back with his soft hands. He's such a wonderful person. Even after I bullied him and his friends and just been a general dickhead he still accepts me and helps me. I love him......

Kyle's POV

I stood there in the classroom holding my old SBF and nemesis in my arms comforting him. Poor Stan, he hurt all those people because he had so many personal problems about his sexuality. I feel really bad for him. I started to pull him in closer and continued to stroke his back. His whimpers and sobs then died down and we just stood there in the silence of the classroom. I moved my hand up from his back and placed it onto his forehead. I caressed my fingers through his course raven colored hair. It seems he has left his hat at home.

"I think I'm ok now" Stan sniffled while pulling away from my grasp. He stood up straightly and started to rub his puffy swollen eyes. I smiled back at him, my heart starting to beat faster. "Do you wanna go home now?" I asked. Stan shook his head. "No my mom is really pissed off at me for getting drunk" he responded. "What happened to you last night anyway?" I asked. "Well after going to you for help I ran around outside for a while until I found these guys who were all drinking in the Walmart parking lot. They offered me some boos and I couldn't resist, I got plastered and ended up heading over to the school because I had nothing better to do and it was almost time for class. Then you know what happened after that" Stan explained.

"Don't you feel sick? You were really fucking drunk" I asked. "I feel terrible! In fact after you brought me home I threw up like nine times! My mom got home early apparently so she yelled at me and gave me some shitty tomato juice drink and made me walk over here to give you your jacket" he said. I smiled in response to his story. "I have to go home now sorry but my mom will pissed too if I don't get home soon" I said to him. "Can I come with you?" Stan asked shyly. "Ya sure, just don't puke in my house my mom just mopped the floors" I joked.

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