Chapter 7| Don't Jump

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Kyle's POV

Stan punched Clyde square in the nose. What the fuck? I looked up at Tweek. Tears were running down his face as he stood on the roof with his toes just hanging off the edge. "Please Tweek don't do it!" I called out. Craig ran out to see Tweek. "TWEEK STOP! PLEASE! I-I-I love you!" Craig stuttered. "You do?" Tweek asked with his eyes widening. "Yes I swear!" Craig called out. Tweek then began to wipe away his tears. He mumbled something and then walked off the edge of the building. He fell through the air and hit the ground. Holy shit! He just fucking killed himself! In front of the entire school! "TWEEK!" Craig cried hysterically while running over to the body. I turned around to see Stan.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed out. This was his fault! He was bullying Tweek! He lead him to do this! I was aimed to punch him but he ducked in time. "No wait stop!" he called out. "NO! YOU FUCKING LEAD HIM TO THIS YOU SICK BASTARD!" I screamed. "It wasn't me!" he pleaded. "Oh ya, then why were you beating him up in the ally yesterday!" I yelled back. "I only did that once and, I'm sorry but Clyde's the one who's been putting ropes in people's lockers. Clyde's the one who lead Tweek to do this I swear!" Stan responded. "HE'S ALIVE!" Craig yelled out. "Call an ambulance! Get a teacher! Now!" Wendy yelled.

I looked back at Stan. He stared back at me, his eyes wide there were even traces of tears there. I don't know whether to believe him or not but right now I need to help Tweek. I turned away and ran back to Tweek who looked completely trashed. His limbs were all twisted and his legs were all bloody and broken. "Are you ok?" I asked. "DOES HE LOOK OK?!" Craig screamed. "Sorry" I apologized. That was a pretty stupid question, I mean he jumped off the fucking school building. A teacher than ran outside. "Oh my God what happened!?" she yelled. "He jumped off the building!" Wendy yelled. "I just called an ambulance" Kenny informed.

I looked back at Stan who was staring at me still. His eyes were still wide and tears started to fall down his face. Why the hell is he crying? He walked over to the teacher. "Is there anything I can do?" Stan asked. "YOU WANNA FUCKING HELP HIM! YOU'RE THE REASON HE FUCKING JUMPED YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Craig screamed while pushing him back. "THAT WAS CLYDE! I punched him a few times it's true but Clyde's been leaving suicide messages and ropes in lockers. He's been bullying Tweek to the verge of suicide. It wasn't me!" Stan yelled. "Was it you!?" Kenny asked Clyde. "Ya! And he fucking deserved it!" Clyde yelled out.

"What is going on!" the principal yelled while walking to see us. "Tweek tried to kill himself by jumping off a building. We called an ambulance they're on their way. Also Clyde's been bullying to people and convinced Tweek to kill himself " Wendy informed. "CLYDE OFFICE NOW!" she yelled. The ambulance then pulled up and they put Tweek on a stretcher and brought him to the hospital. Craig was crying hysterically and Kenny went over to comfort him. "It's ok, I know what it feels like to see the one you love in so much pain" Kenny said while rubbing his arm. I've never seen Craig express this much emotion, it's kinda scary.

Stan came over and stood next to me. "Is what you said true?" I asked him without making any eye contact. "Yes, I swear I had nothing to do with Tweek" Stan confessed. "Fine, maybe you had nothing to do with this, but have you been leaving the ropes and notes in people's lockers?" I asked now facing him. "No! I had no idea that was even happening until you told me yesterday. I have no intension of anyone dying" he said.

Stan's POV

That was lie. I did want Butters to kill himself before when I was bullying him but now I've seen how bad the whole suicide threat thing is. But I never left a note or a rope in ANYONE'S locker. That's fucked up. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna still beat them up though! They're still disgusting nasty fags! But Kyle's so naive he'll probably think I'm on his dumbass side now. "Ok fine, I might believe you" Kyle said while crossing his arms. "Ok students, I know something very awful just happened but we need to go back to class now" the Spanish teacher said. I think her name is... Sra.Palacio? I don't know, I take French.

We all went back inside and went to our classes until school was over. Now I gotta go fight Kyle. I walked outside to see Kyle walking towards his house. "Hey! Where are you going?" I yelled. "I'm going home, we can have the fight tomorrow" he said. He's NOT backing out now. "What?! Why tomorrow?" I asked. "Tweek tried to kill himself today! I'm not in the mood to fight anyone" Kyle said angrily. "We had a deal, to fight!" I yelled back. Suicide or not we're still gonna fight. "Ok fine!" Kyle yelled angrily while dropping his backpack and stomping over to me. "Throw the first punch. Fag" I insulated. Kyle then punched me right in the nose, extremely hard. I fell backwards and landed on the sidewalk. What have I done?

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