Chapter 1| Butters

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Stan's POV

I walked to the bus stop to see Cartman standing next to Butters. "What'd you say Butters? I didn't quite hear you" Cartman mocked. "I didn't say anything" Butters replied. "What's going on?" I asked. "I heard that Butters came out as gay and didn't tell me!" Cartman said. "You're gay?" I said in shock. "Just leave me alone" Butters said. I didn't like gays, a man is supposed to masculine and gays were just so girly and stupid. "Jesus Butters what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled at him.

"I didn't do anything wrong" Butters said quietly. If I didn't take care of this he'd start to convert other people to his disgusting ways. Cartman then grabbed Butters' shirt and pulled him closer to his face. "Y'know Stan we might have to take of this ourselves" Cartman threatened. "Ya" I agreed. I saw Butters eyes fill with tears as I punched him in the stomach. "Oww" he cried out. Cartman let go of his shirt as he noticed Kenny coming towards us. I stood next to Butters and whispered in his ear. "If you say a word about what we did to you, I'll beat you up" I threatened. He nodded in a agreement.

Gays are disgusting, it's unnatural to be with another man and the whole sex act is sickening! Kyle then joined us and we got on the bus. I talked to Kyle while Cartman spoke to Kenny and Butters sat by himself not saying a word. We got to school and I separated from Kyle. I saw Butters at his locker standing there all smug. What a freak! I'm gonna teach him a lesson. I walked over to him and smacked the books out of his hands and pushed him into his locker. He hit his face on the side of the locker. "See you fag" I said to him as I walked to my class. I went through my normal routine until it was time for lunch. I saw Cartman grab Butters and drag him outside. I decided to join him.

We went out back where the goths normally hung out but they weren't there today. The ally was completely empty. Cartman held Butters down while I punched him and kicked him. "My turn!" Cartman said happily. I then grabbed Butters and held him down as Cartman took his turn. Butters was crying hysterically and struggling to get out of my hands.

Cartman looked at his watch and noticed the time. "Oh shit dude we have to hurry or else I'm not gonna be able to eat!" Cartman yelled. I threw Butters to the ground and replied "Of course you'd be thinking about food fatass" I insulted. "Ey! I'm not fat I'm big boned!" Cartman argued. "Whatever" I muttered.

We walked into the cafeteria and joined the rest of our friends. "What were you guys doing?" Kyle asked. "None of your business you fucking Jew" Cartman said while taking a big bite of his pizza. "Don't belittle my people you fucking fatass!" Kyle yelled. The two then got into their regular argument and fought for the remainder of the lunch period.

I didn't see Butters for the rest of the day. I'm hoping that he went home and that he stays there forever. He's such a fucking loser. I finished up my last class and walked to my locker. "Hey dude!" Kyle said. "Hey, you wanna come over to my house after school?" I asked. "Ya sure" Kyle said happily. We walked until we reached my house. We entered the house and sat down on the coach. "You wanna play video games?" I asked. "Ya sure" Kyle replied. We then began to play Call of Duty and I was totally beating Kyle.

"Hey did something seem a little off with Butters?" Kyle asked me. "Are you just trying to distract me so that you win?" I replied smugly. "No seriously" Kyle said while pausing the game. I put down my controller and looked at him. "Something was really off with him today" Kyle repeated. "What'd you mean off?" I asked. "He wasn't y'know cheerful and positive he was really quiet and sad" Kyle said with worry in his eyes.

"You sound really gay right now" I joked. "I'm being serious!" Kyle said angrily. "Jesus dude calm down" I said. Why was he getting all worked up? "I'm just saying something was really weird with him today, I didn't even see him after lunch and I know Butters doesn't skip classes" Kyle continued. "Probably just some family issue, he's probably fine" I replied. "Ok" Kyle said. "Alright good, now let me finish kicking your ass" I said while unpausing the game. "Hey no fair!" Kyle yelled while picking up his controller.

I didn't want to tell Kyle what I did because I knew he'd get all sensitive and faggy talking about how gay people are awesome and stupid shit like that. Sometimes I really question his heterosexuality.

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