Chapter 13| Ok I Will

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Kyle's POV

Time Skip~ Last Class

Ok, time for our social studies quiz. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do amazing because I've been studying my ass off the entire week! Our teacher hands out the tests and I quickly manage to scribble down my answers. Clock is ticking, gotta go fast like sanic. I know that joke is so bad but I said it in my head so who could really give a damn.

After 30 minutes or so I finished my test and checked over the answers. Everything looks good to me, I think I did really well. I pass my test in and start to read my book for the remainder of the class. Class finishes and then everyone starts to exit the room except for me. I'm at a really good part in my book and do NOT want to be disturbed. All of a sudden someone familiar walks into the room. I look up and see....Stan? "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm just here to bring back your coat because my mom made me" Stan said partially angrily. He held out my coat so I went up to him and grabbed it. "Thanks" I replied sweetly.

Stan blushed and apparently felt offended. "We're not friends got that!" he says madly. "I never thought that" I replied. "Well you're getting to close to me you stupid fag!" Stan said. "No not reall-" "Oh yes you are! You made me follow you around school and brought me to your house. You also carried me home when I was hungover! You wanna fuck me I know it!" Stan yelled. That's fucking it! I've had enough. "Ok fine I will!" I said sternly while pushing him against the wall next to the door and dropping my jacket next to him.

"What?" he replied frightfully. I then closed the classroom door and locked it. "I'm gonna fuck you off!" I replied while pushing my chest against his. "Dude get off me," Stan said while trying to push me away. "Imagine falling in love with someone Stan, but then being told you won't be allowed to love them. Try and pretend that your love is illegal in over 70 countries. Try to imagine that when you want to go out with the person you love people mock you and hurt you. That's what you've been doing Stan! You've been hurting innocent people who just want to love each other!" I cried into his ear.

I then walk back towards my desk and start to collect my things once again. I pick up my books one by one and then walk over to Stan who was still speechless and grabbed my jacket. Stan rested against the wall still, his eyes wide with fear. I unlock the classroom door and am about to step out when Stan says something.

"That was a good speech" he admits. "I'm glad you liked did" I replied simply, still not facing him. He then turns his body so that he was now facing me from a side view. "Kyle" Stan mumbles. "Yes" I reply as I start to face him. "I-I think I have to tell you something" Stan stutters. "What is it?" I asked.

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