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Yes, I know, how very cliche of me. Ehh I don't really care. Just glad that's over.

Before I go into my explanations, I just want to give a big BIG thanks to all my readers. To the ones who spent five seconds and were like nah. To those who stuck till the end and enjoyed each chapter with me. And especially to those who waited patiently for me to update each chapter, this is for you guys. I'm sending you all a virtual hug. Here take my 💖💖💖


Now, I'm sure you have many questions. And hopefully I have enough answers. But let's start at the top.

To be absolutely honest with you guys, I don't know. There might, might not. Honestly it depends on whether I have enough time to write. Because I'll be starting my last years of secondary school next year so imma have to yk study hard and all of that. But I wrote this story this year even when I had national exams so, eh, who knows really if I'll be able to squeeze in writing times. But it also depends on if I'm able to come up with a working plot. So comment your thoughts and the things you're still confused about so I can make a story out of it.

All I can say for now is that it's in the works. Meaning: I have no idea if and when I'll be able to come through with them. So you know, everything is just like, let's see🤷🏾‍♀️ but I will say that I have 3 stories from this universe that I am planning, some are even characters from Scales and Swords.

Eh uh 😅
Well, if it's any solace, I have a new story out, titled Thy Brilliance, a dystopian romance with the sweetheart girl × hothead boy trope. So if you enjoyed my writing enough in this story you might enjoy that. Except this story is written in the third POV which I wish I wrote Scales and Swords in. Below is an excerpt of it ⬇️


Pain streaked across Lua's body. Consciousness flickered and his memories blurred together. But he remembered a voice, soft and silky, saying, "save him."

He woke bleary-eyed to a strange sight. A girl. Or what looked like a girl. He had never seen skin so pale. Her sand-coloured hair hung to her hips in dreadlocks lined with beads. Strange lines protruded from her face. Her features, while angelically delicate were flawed enough to be mundane. But that was the least of it.

She didn't notice him. And if she had then she dared not show it. She simply stared straight ahead, unmoving and seemingly unalive.

But she wasn't dead, as far as he could tell. Her chest rose and fell. Her fingers flared and thumped her knees. If her frame was any indication of her age, then she must've been as old as Lua. But she had flimsy limbs and looked like she didn't eat much.

He waited for her to react and when she didn't he raised an arm.

"Are you awake?"

He flinched. She could speak. He adjusted himself to sit forward, wincing as he did. A corrosive ache emanated from his hip. He pulled back his shirt to find a bandage wrapped around his torso, over the wound.

"How do you feel?" She said. Her voice like pillows and velvet.

"Who are you?" Lua said. "And where am I?"

Her head dropped but her gaze fell to the floor. She smiled slightly but refused to make eye contact. "I'm Zemlya and you're in my room."

"Were you the one who did this?" He pointed at his torso.

"Did what?"

She still refused look at him. But perhaps she couldn't see at all.

"The bandages...?" He watched her carefully and took in their surroundings. They seemed to be in a windowless blue room. A wooden desk stood by the far end, with books neatly piled atop it. A wardrobe and door beside it. And another door on the adjacent wall. He seemed to be on the only bed in the room. And that was about it. Nothing sharp and dangerous in sight.

"Well no, Harran did," she said. "He was the one who carried you here and dressed your wound."

An accomplice? The girl had no problem answering his questions but failed to go into depth as if to hide something.

One hand grabbed a clump of her hair. The other, the sea shell hanging at his throat. She gasped. Lua drove the sharp end of the shell against her throat. "Raise your hands, slowly, to either side of you." He spoke low and slow. She did as she was told, her arms trembling as they did. "Good."

"Can you not see?" He said.

"I'm blind." Her soft voice wobbled.

"Alright, then allow me to describe the situation you're currently in. I'm holding a knife to your throat. If I push any further I could rip out your throat. Now, you don't want that, do you?"

She shook her head, the first tears slipping past her cheek.

"No, then you're going to tell me again, who you are and where I am."

"My name is Zemlya, daughter of His Majesty King Zev of Dhulka and Mistress Riella Dove. We're in an apartment block in the Jasmine district of the Southern Quarter."

"Dhulka, where is this Dhulka?"

"I don't know what you mean." She sniffled.

He tugged her by the roots of her hair and paid her cries no heed. "Where on earth is Dhulka?" She seemed to hesitate. Froze. Lua pressed the shell into her throat. "Or does this place not exist and you're just a Cadit whore who found me along your shores?"

"Dhulka," she said, "Dhulka isn't on land."

His side throbbed with pain. "You're not being specific enough—"

She shook her head, hurriedly now. "You have to let me go. I know you must be confused. I'll explain everything I promise, but you must let go of me."

The door swung open before he could respond. A burly young men entered.

Lua yanked her out of her chair. She fell against the bed. He twisted her around. The tip of the shell grazed the center of her throat. His pain worsened, but he couldn't let it show.

"Harran?" She cried. "Harran, is that you?

"Lady Zemlya, don't worry I'm here," the big fellow said. He was unarmed and empty-handed.

"Take another step and she dies," Lua sneered.

The girl's accomplice raised his hands and seemed to comply. But his left index finger bent forward and a dart-like structure flew out of it and towards Lua. Lua felt his arms numb suddenly and his vision grew hazy. He was falling unconscious again.


Do drop by to check out the whole thing if you're interested!🥰 Until we meet again, my buddies, whenever or however that is, I bid you a goodbye 🎉

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