63: King Edward

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When I first met King Arthur, I felt so very little. Had he instructed me to kiss the dirt at his feet, I wouldn't have hesitated. Not merely for the reason that serving him would save my family. There is just something about a man who carries the weight of a country on his shoulders that gives him an air of honor and strength, of power. Deserving of the utmost respect. Which is something I didn't feel in Ogalsia's king.

King Edward was a large man, clothed in sun-kissed cloth and crowned with regal horns. Wearing an easy smile with bright eyes, I sought the burden and troubles that should have been plaguing him. He released a joyous roar and met Cyr at the foot of his throne greeting him with an embrace that swallowed Cyr who suddenly seemed so small.

Perhaps not all who lead hold all their troubles at heart. Perhaps not all care to.

"Cyr my friend, I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival!" The King said, his great voice echoing across the throne room. "How has Ogalsia treated you so far? I do hope Sorge was hospitable!"

"Always." Cyr smiled. "How have you been?"

"Very well indeed." The king's eyes ran over us, and his smile only widened. "I see you've brought friends."

Cyr beckoned for us, nodding. "Yes they are but some of many who share our ideals." Nareem approached the king first to take a knee when Cyr cleared his throat and Nareem looked up confused. Cyr touched a finger to his brow and Nareem's eyes widened. He stood and tentatively touched foreheads with the king. One after the other we went. And when it was my turn, the king regarded me with a wonder that unnerved me.

"Could it really be," muttered the king as he held me at arms length, his eyes tracing every inch of my face till he seemed satisfied. "A dragon..."

"December's father is a dragon and her mother is human," Cyr interjected.

The king nodded astonished and bent over to touch his forehead to mine. "Dragons are blessed beasts. It is very nice to meet you."

"And you too." My voice shook as I stepped away. A mess of thoughts marred my mind. What had Ogalsia done to the last dragons? Were they even at fault for their extinction? Had King Arthur lied to me?

"I must commend your bravery, young ones." The King retook his throne, his tone now controlled and careful. "I expect no less from those Cyr trusts." He regarded Cyr, with what could only be sympathy. "You are a good man Cyr, when the children of our children look back they will learn of a sprite who spoke not with magic but only with words that echoed the whispers of the heart."

"You flatter me, Your Majesty." Pain flashed across Cyr's face. A sort of pain that is born from loss. "But as you say, I only speak what is already in the hearts of my countrymen and that of your subjects. Arthur must be dethroned."

"Of course, I trust you've prepared the Kreatian army for a cease-fire?"

"Arthur's army is in shambles. Their leaders have been deposed off. Like headless chickens they run loose. Any action by Ogalsia's army would be a severe blow. But we must keep in mind that this is only temporary, they will soon find leaders to replace those lost. But until then I ask you now as a friend and as the enemy of my enemy you cease all warfare with Kreatier."

I regarded Cyr now in a new light. Should his plan have succeeded and I lived to tell his tales I could never not claim him any less courageous than he was in that moment.

"If and when I successfully rid the throne of Arthur, " Cyr went on, "will our nations truly be at peace. But if I fail, and Arthur remains King I can only ask for forgiveness and that you do what you deem best for both your nation and mine."

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