24: Pursuers

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Before we left the castle a number of measures were taken. We were all made to wear armor that covered us from head to toe even Berenice whose armor was made according to her build. The identity of a king's guard had to be protected at all cost as that determined the security of the king. Also part of our armor, our helmets were enchanted to allow for us to communicate from far distances in case of emergencies. And even before all that, we were carefully selected according to the route and the risks. Hugh had exceptional vision and hearing, which was needed in forested areas. Berenice was chosen in the case of a confrontation with a florial whose natural habitat was the forest. In all of the king's trips he had to be accompanied by a mage, thus Ingram was chosen. And KB and I were chosen for offensive purposes, which didn't sit that well with me at first. Then our positions to the king's carriage, Berenice leading on foot, Hugh and Ingram to the sides and KB and I trailing behind.

I knew the king could be attacked at any moment but the reality of it doesn't quite settle in till it actually happens. And when it does, it hurts like a hot slap.

"Holy—what? I can feel them too," KB blurted. "How long have they been following us?"

"Most likely they arrived while we were still sound asleep," Hugh suggested. "Their quick and their movements are subtle. They're camouflaged as well, hopping from tree to tree a few meters behind us."

"They arrived when we were asleep to cover the magical signature of the mage that brought them here," Ingram said.

"So that boy was a ruse?" KB proposed.

"Seems so," affirmed Hugh. "But there's more. They allowed him to be captured. Because they wanted to see how we would react, they're trying to identify us. And they now know that Berenice is a florial."

"So they weren't trying to harm the king?" I asked.

"It seems not. That'd be too risky."

"But their following us aren't they, they're risking their lives as is," expressed KB.

"Well they might not hold much value for their lives," Hugh offered. "Besides no one who attacks the king isn't a bit insane."

"Alright so how do we get them off our trail?" Ingram asked.

"In about ten minutes time we will have arrived at a forked road," Hugh began. "Ingram, we will need a cloaking spell and a copy spell. Everyone except KB and Mo will continue onwards cloaked, while KB and Mo will follow after the copy which will take the other road. As subtle as possible we will split ways. If all goes well, they will follow the copy. Mo, KB before the copy spell wears off I need you two to capture the pursuers and meet us at the rendezvous point. Will you be able to play your part, all of you?"

"Yes, Hugh," we all said at once.

"Although Hugh, if I might inquire," KB muttered. "Are you only sending Mo and I because we said we'd be responsible for anything that goes wrong? Because Ingram said he'd be too!"

"Hey!" hissed Ingram.

"No KB," Hugh sighed. "Contrary to what you think I did not. I chose you two because I believe you two are best suited for this task. As for our previous disagreement, we will discuss that later."

"You two should really think of how you're going to capture them," Ingram snickered.

"Shut up you dwarf!" KB retorted.

"I'm an elf!" Ingram bleated. "And you can't just call me a dwarf like they don't exist!"

How those two managed to still find time to bicker is beyond me. But they did stop when Hugh told them too and KB and I were able to work out a plan. When all was set and we only waited to sight the forked road, Hugh said what was probably on all our minds. "This isn't a simple robbery or assassination. They're collecting information. There's something bigger, something much more sinister on our plate."

Just as Hugh had said we reached an intersection a few minutes later. Ingram muttered what I think was spells and before I knew it the carriage took a turn and KB and I were following after it, knowing that the real carriage which was now invisible had split from the copy and was now heading down the other road.

5 minutes that was all the time we were given to capture the pursuers before the copy faded.

"Did they take the bait?" Hugh asked through the helmet.

"My babies can feel them on our tails," KB reported.

"Alright, we're relying on you two."

I tried to ignore the weight of Hugh's words. Pushed the doubt in my mind aside. I couldn't yield to my mind, not when KB was relying on me.

"Now Mo," KB said.

I released the reigns and removed my helmet. At my will, Sigerith came to an abrupt stop. I let loose the flames from the unending inferno within my lungs. Blazes filled the open air above our heads and draped over us, shielding us from their prying eyes. In one quick motion, KB turned her horse around. She removed her helmet, unleashing her snakes. Her snakes parted and hissed in two directions. I sucked the flames back in and KB's head moved from side to side.

"Alright!" KB exclaimed. I stopped myself before I could turn to KB. That's when I first saw him.

As clear as day, a stone figure of one of the pursuers stood on a tree branch, gripping the trunk as he stared down at us in horror.

"Now how do we get them down?" KB muttered.

"We're going to need some rope," I replied.

"Got some right here!"

"Is it safe to look at you now?"

"Oh, right. Hold up. Ok, you're safe."

I climbed the tree and once I reached the pursuer, I tied the rope round his waist more than once, down to his groin, up his back, over his shoulder twice, across his chest to the other shoulder, around again and down his other groin area. Once I made sure he was secured, I threw the other end of the rope down to KB. When I made sure she had a good grip of the rope, I eased him over the edge and watched as he was lowered to the mound of leaves I had gathered to cushion his landing. I didn't yet know if KB was going to or could turn them back but I wanted to make sure their bodies had not even a scratch on them. I felt guilty as it was already, every time I saw them in that form. We did the same to the other pursuer and once they were both on the ground I decided to pad their joints but then ended up padding their whole body with tree bark and leaves tied together by vines, despite KB insisting they'd be fine without it.

"You're quite handy, where did you learn all of that?" KB asked, standing over as I worked.

"We were poor, what we couldn't afford we would make," I said simply.

It took a while but when we finished up we attached them to our saddles and continued our journey to our previous destination.

A/n: so apparently snakes can see heat, which makes them excellent trackers. Which allows KB to see.

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