chapter-32( The meet- II)

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Himnish's POV

I've never pulled that much time pulling the outfit. I have to look good but not over the top. God, I sound like a girl right now. As soon as Aisha hung up, I started panicking and pulling every clothes from my closet.

I need to get it together!

I pulled out my phone the called the one who could help me, Raj. His phone was busy, but as soon as I was about to cut the call he picked up.

Raj- Heyy bro, what's up?

Me- I need some help.

Raj- I'm not that smart, bro. I'm pretty sure you can complete that assignment on your own, plus you can help me after you are finished, otherwise that Hitler is going to---

Me- Shut up! I will never ask for your help in the study department, anyway. I need fashion advice.

Raj- Did I hear you right? You, the lazy king himself, ask for fashion advice! Mahi you heard it too na

Mahi- God Dammit Raj! I was hoping to hear more before you opened your big mouth

Raj- Oh yeah! Sorry love

Mahi- You know how to make it up to me.

Raj- of course! Which flavor, chocolate or strawberry?

I'm too shocked to hear them talk dirty in front of me, AGAIN!

Me- Shut up! Both of you!! I think my ears bleed.

Mahi- Oh! Come on, Him! He was talking about milkshakes only...

Me- please stop talking.

Mahi- Okkaaaayyy, back to your fashion emergency, Raj?

Raj- Yo Babe. Got both flavors only for you

Mahi and I both groan in response to which," Okay, fashion emergency but for what? You never dress."

I took a minute to analyze. Whether I should tell them or not. If I open my mouth, they'll make a big deal, but it is a big deal.

Oh, fuck it!

I hop on my bed and whisper," Aisha and I are gonna meet today."

I hear loud screaming and whistles.

What a couple!

It's too much for my ears, so I remove my phone from my ear and make a distance for almost five minutes until the voices on the other side slow down. Mahi's voice forces me to bring my phone back to my ear

Mahi- Oh my god! You finally got the courage to ask her out!! I'm so happy yay!!

Raj- My little boy is all grown up.. learning from daddy, of course

Mahi giggles while I respond," Oh shut the fuck up! Just tell me what to do

Raj- Don't be a disappointment

Me- You aren't my real daddy

Raj- Yaa then you aren't for me. Remembered the shirt I gifted you on your birthday?

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