Chapter- 6( You didn't tell me?)

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Have I been overthinking? YES!

Am I scared? Yesss!!

Will that stop me from doing this? NOOO!

As I was busy with my mental preparation to tackle a whole another universe of my anxiety, my phone rang & on display Angel's name appeared. WOW, great timing! She's the only one who calls me ten times a day & I ignore it ten times a day! I'm so good at ignoring, TALENT!

No, I don't hate her! She's my Long distance best friend. I love roasting her. Although, I think our places are going to change when I update here with my current scene.

Maybe If I don't pick up her phone...

Whom I'm kidding? There's no escape. I Have to tell her everything and listen to her lecture. I got comfortable on my sofa and placed my earplugs in my ears. I tilted my head toward the cushion and set my phone on my lap.

Me: Heyy Broo, sup?

I tried as casual as I could sound. Unfortunately, I never talk like that!

Angel: Finally, she picks the call! I haven't talked to you in ages & here you are saying hey bro?? What's wrong?

Shit! Why does she know me so well? As light as her voice is, I'm certain I can't hide this whole new drama of my life from her. I got to tell her, EVERYTHING

After five minutes of complete silence. I thought the line got disconnected or something. I was regretting how I had to tell her again, after twenty minutes of short explanation until Angel broke through the phone!

Angel: OH MY GOD!!! Do you like someone who likes you back and you dared to reject him?? It's been a week since you last heard from him and now, here you are whining about it?

Now, I honestly wish for the line to get disconnected...

It was true I was upset about the whole situation. I had done something against my emotions & I never do that. I'm one of the girls who do stupid shit when they get emotional.

I remembered the time when I slapped a girl in the middle of the school ground. I was filled with rage and my former best friend pulled me and tried to calm me down.

At that time all I could remember was the other girl holding her left cheek and crying her eyes out. Her red face and my injured hand It didn't take rocket science for me to understand what I have done. Was I embarrassed? Noo! I was furious because I couldn't remember slapping that bitch.

I snapped out of my memories when I heard some crazy girl cursing me on our call.

Angel: WHY Aisha? I know you are trying to control your emotional outbursts but don't suppress your love!!

Oh yeah! Like I'm so big on love shit Na. Did I forget to mention Angel is a Psychological student whose part-time obsession is studying me? It's almost been ten years since we have been friends and she just never stops irritating the shit out of me. She's gifted!

Me: Angel! I know you are trying to explain all the good factors about relationships but I think you are forgetting that this isn't a K-drama. In real life, a relationship sucks.

After one hour of argument, she made a little sense. Maybe I should get this experience...

As I have changed a thousand positions on my sofa to find one right comfortable angle for me My mom comes out of her room with her phone in one hand and earphones in the other. She was wearing a yellow and red suit, her hair in a bun, and her specs on her nose. Isn't my mother the cutest? She's my big teddy bear and I adore her!

I stumble on my feet to stand straight from my sofa. Iron deficiency

I run to my mother and hugged her. I signal her towards my phone on which Angel was still talking. I tell her how tired I'm and she asks me how I always get tired without doing anything. We laugh a bit until my earplugs go off and I hear Angel talking.

I let go of my mother, who tells me to get off my phone ad study lit.

Mothers and their obsession with their kid's smartphones.

Me: Angel, it's been an hour since your call. I'm tired and I'll surely reconsider your advice. I'll call you later okay?

Angel: Okay just don't be harsh on yourself okay. Life is short. Make mistakes and tell these tales to your kids!

As I chuckle a bit and disconnect the call. I throw myself on my bed and try to complete my afternoon nap. I know she wants the best for me but it's up to me to decide what's best for me. I might make decisions that will hurt others but as long as those decisions don't hurt me or my family. I'll continue making them.


In the evening while making coffee for me and tea for my parents. I kept thinking about what Angel said. It's hard to get on with life when your years-long friend isn't supporting you. After pouring my coffee into my cup, delivering tea to the table where mom and dad were seated. I took a seat beside dad and took a sip of my delicious coffee.

We all chatted a bit, most of the time I was cracking random jokes to make my parents laugh. Most of the time my elder brother do this but no I gotta to do while he's away from home for us.  It's been tough for them. Lock down and the whole COVID situation have shaken us from the bottom. My father is the most affected person among us. He keeps trying to lift his strong figure but still, I can see through him & I know he's broken too.


At night, I finally took a deep breath, picked up my phone, and called my elder sister. I knew after so much chaos with everything. She is the only one who can give me advice. I can't run away from that and when both of my sisters together. Who needs Marvel superheroes?

Okay, I went a little overboard... The scarlet witch will do tho'

Shubhangi di: Hello

Me: Hey di!




Hello, my beautiful reader! I promise I was going to explain the sister's trio reaction in this chapter but I thought, We can't forget the best friend!

I'm pretty sure you are also excited to see Aisha's elder sister's reaction. Don't worry you'll know in the next chapter!

Till then, keep reading and sharing! Don't forget to vote and add it to your reading list & help my book get noticed ;)

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