sixty one

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Hazel's Point Of View:

I don't know how long I have been trapped down here, and honestly, I don't want to know. My father doesn't seem worried by it, but that's only because he's been down here for years now.

Me, on the other hand. That is a whole different story. My stomach has been intensely grumbling for what feels like forever.

There is no way to track time down here. I just know that it has been less than three days, because I have not died from dehydration. It feels like I am about to drop dead, though.

My stomach has been making some terrifying noises recently, and each time I think that it has a mind of its own. I always blush in embarrassment and glance at my father, who doesn't look bothered at all.

Slowly, the hope of my brothers saving us, has vanished, but my father says to not give up, and that I'm being wimpy, because it's been just over a day.

I think he's lying though. I feel like I am trapped in a hell loop, and that it's never going to end. What did I do, to deserve something so terrible? 

I've been able to hear Noah, Fletcher, and Sierra's voices from above ground, however, none of them have confronted us yet, which makes me a little relived.

I would love to spend the rest of my life, never having to see their, sour, stupid faces again. Who knows who long they plan to haunt my nightmares, though?

All of a sudden, there is a devastating commotion coming from upstairs, and I jolt up from my hunched position against the corner wall.

My father does the same, and his eyes instantly meet mine, as he grabs my hand, with a smile on his face, and I can only think one simple thought. 

They're here to save us from the terrible place.

I throw myself against the barred wall, and begin shouting out desperately, but I doubt anyone beyond this room could hear me, for several reasons.

One, my mouth is drier than sandpaper, and has not been hydrated in what feels like forever.

Two, the walls, and door are so thick, that it probably blocks out all sound from anyone upstairs hearing.

And finally, three, there are freaking gunshots, which means that the people upstairs have better things to be dealing with, than my screams and pleas for help.

I can feel my father roll his eyes at my antics, from behind me, and I quickly throw him a dirty look, silently telling him to mind his own business.

"Hazel, they're not going to be any faster, because you're desperate," he drawls out, trying to pull me away from the cool metal, but I remain attached. 

"I think I hear one of them coming," I quietly say, peeling my ears for any movement through the nearest two hundred meters.

"You're probably hearing things, pumpkin," my father reassures, placing his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"Hello?" I hear a distant voice shout, and I don't know whether I know them or not.

My fathers demands go silent, as he too listens carefully.

"Is someone in here?" The person shouts again, and I can hear the solid kicks being placed against a door somewhere near us.

"Yes!" I scream loudly, "please save us!"

That's the only words I'm able to get out, before my voice stops working completely from the pain I'm experiencing.

My father rolls his eyes at my dramatics, and takes my place, shouting out how to open the door.

Eventually, after what feels like years, the door springs open, and the heavy footsteps of at least one person fills my ears.

They stop right in front of the cell, and try to adjust to the darkness that me and my father have been living in.

"Hazel?" The mysterious person croaks, placing a hand over his face, to get rid of the shadow.

I nod my head, as tears of happiness erupt in my eyes. It's my youngest brother, Charlie.

"What are you waiting for," my father growls in frustration, "open the fucking door."

My brother does a second take, as he looks at our father. Like really looks at our father.

"Dad?" Charlie asks hesitantly, as he begins playing with the lock against the cell door.

"Yes son, we'll talk more about it, when we're not in a life threatening situation," my father grimaces, "I can't tell if Hazel is being overdramatic or whether she's seriously in pain."

Both of the boys look at me, and I shrug my shoulders. "What can I say? I was born to be an actress."

Although my words were sarcastic, my father and brother both proceed to laugh.

Charlie ends up having to kick the door several times, and shoot the lock with his gun over and over, before it finally opens.

"Took your sweet time, didn't you," I joke as we step out, and I embrace my brother tightly, never wanting to hug him more.

My father on the other hand grabs Charlie's gun and runs into what I presume is the action, while my brother and I have a nice little bonding moment.

"Adrian told us what happened. Why didn't you tell us?" Charlie asks, sounding concerned.

"I don't know. Noah told me not to spread my lips about it," I explain briefly, looking around the dusty room, feeling uncomfortable at the topic change.

My brother nods his head accepting my answer, before his lips curve up in a subtle smirk.

"I'll let you be the one to kill him, then. I'm sure he deserves it."

Oh, dear brother, I couldn't agree more. But right now, I just need a water bottle, and some food

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 48800 reads and over 2k votes- 2013. (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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