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"Ze, wake up sweetheart. Everything's okay now. Open your eyes for me please," I hear a masculine voice coo, from somewhere in the distance.

"What?" I grumble lowly, rubbing my eyes, aggressively, before opening them. 

My face is centimeters away from Chase's, as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"How was your nap?" He asks gently, helping me stand up from my previous position on the floor. 

"Fine," I mumble, before digging into my older brother with tedious questions. "I heard shots? What happened? Did someone break in? What were those metal things you guys were holding?"

"One question at a time, please, Ze," Chase requests, slowly, and I can see the cogs turning in his head. "Anyway, I'm sure that Matteo will explain everything you need to know."

I nod my head, skeptically, but decide to follow him out of the room, since I'm beginning to get claustrophobia in here. For who knows how long, I was trapped in a place with white walls, and no windows. 

"Where's Matteo?" I question. "I want to see him now."

"I had a feeling you'd say that Ze," my brother breathes out, directing us to what I hope is Matteo's destination.

I hum a vague approval when we stop at the wooden door that I have become familiar with. Matteo's office door. 

Chase looks at me, before knocking gently against the door. From the other side of the wood, I hear a soft voice mutter 'come in.'

I push against the door and sit across the desk from Matteo, who looks at me quizzically from his plush, desk chair. 

"I presume you want to know what was happening?" My oldest brother reads my mind.

"Yes, I do. And I don't want any lies coming from your mouth, am I clear?" I raise my voice, as confidence oozes from my posture.

"Hazel, you're 15 years old, and at my mercy right now. I'll tell you whatever I want to," Matteo exclaims, in an amused voice, as he eyes me like I'm a joke to him.

"Yes, captain. I understand," I affirm, smiling brightly at my brother. 

"Let me start from the beginning. Our father ran several successful businesses, which were just a cover up for what he really did. Many years ago, our grandfather got involved with some shady activities, and those activities, unfortunately, meant that he was inside a gang. Our grandfather worked his way up from the bottom, and eventually overtook the gang, and became the leader. Our father turned it into a mafia. However, a couple of years ago, he mysteriously disappeared, and we have to presume that he's dead. I took over for our father since I am his eldest son. If something happens to me, then Axel becomes in charge, and then Levi.

"The alarm went off yesterday, which means that there is an unknown or unwelcome presence within the gates. A small gang had penetrated the house and somehow ended up getting through the front door. We easily fended them off, but the guards who let them into the house had to be punished," Matteo explains, expertly, maintaining eye contact. 

"So let me get this straight," I sigh, "our grandfather took over a gang, and our father made it into a mafia. Then he disappeared, and you didn't even think about finding him. So now you are a mob boss, and kill people for a living?" 

My brother chuckles, before continuing his explanation. "I don't just kill people, Hazel. I only injure those who need to be punished. The innocent civilians are never harmed. And we are still looking for dad, but the case has been muted recently, since we keep reaching dead ends. But as long as I'm in charge, we will continue looking for him."

"That's lovely. I'm so touched right now," I sarcastically comment. "Do the others know about the business? Are they involved in it? Are you guys a big mafia, or a small, non existent one?"

"One question at a time, please, Hazel. But the boys are all aware about our family business, and are heavily involved. Axel is my second in command, while Levi is my third in command. The twins have been in training for a couple of years now, and are planning to become high ranking members," Matteo expresses.

"What about me?" I ask, "what am I supposed to do? It's a family business, after all. I must have a certain role."

"Well that's the thing, Hazel. You're not supposed to do anything. Women usually aren't accepted into mafia's, even if they're family, and I'm not going to make exceptions for you. There's no chance I'm going to see you get hurt," my oldest brother says awkwardly. 

"Ha, ha, ha. You're so funny," I laugh sarcastically. "Where are the sign up sheets?"

"We'll see, Hazel. For now, you need to focus on your school work, though."

I nod my head, knowing that negotiation is out of the question, with Matteo. 

As I'm about to close the door, my brother calls out to me. "Just know that I love you a lot, Hazel. Everything we do, is because we care. Not because we want to be mean."

"I get it," I grumble, as I shut the door behind me. 

I'll find that sign up sheet, even if it's the last thing I do. 

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for over 2200 reads (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

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