kiddnapping (pt. 3)

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Next day

Some scream woke me up. I was wondering what's happening. I got dressed and went downstairs.

“You're a whore!” Olivier shouted. “Says who?” Alexandra said.

Wait, Alexandra! Yeah oh my fucking god. But.. why does she have a gun in her hand? That scared me.

“YEAH OKAY I'M SORRY. JUST DON'T KILL ME PLEASE” Olivier screamed. “Mmm. Now say goodbye you little freak” she told him, “No.. please. Give me a chance” he said back.

I was standing here like a pole. I was satisfied that Alexandra is here. She wanted to kill Olivier. Yeah, good. He deserve it.

“Mm, so.. say that you're a dick and turn around” she said. “Im a dick!” he shouted while turning around. “Good boy. Now say sorry to my girlfriend. SAY THAT YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY OF WHAT YOU FUCKING DID. YOU'RE A DICK. YOU'RE A FREAK. GO FUCK YOURSELF.” she fucking screamed. She was really angry. “I-IM SORRY AGATA. I'M SORRY. I KNOW I DID WRONG. SORRY. SORRY. SORRY! I'M A FUCKING DICK. AND A FREAK. IM SO SORRY.” he cried. “FUCK YOU!” Alexandra shouted while shooting.

“Love?..” I questioned, “M-hm? Yeah? Sorry” she answered. Her heart was beating so fast. “I love you. Thank you for saving me.. you're the best girlfriend.. So, wanna maybe drink something?” I told her, “Sure my love. I want you to be happy.” she said back.

I made her drink. She liked it.

“It was really delicious! Thank you babe” she said, “Mhm! Your welcome!!” I answered while smiling.

Manager came to us. Alexandra pulled out gun. “Heyy love don't. He helped me, really” I told her, “Whatever, so, man, whachu want” she asked him, “I wanted to ask you if you want something? Maybe you want to go home huh?”, “No. We're fine, just go” she replied. “Alex please dont be mean. He really helped me” I added, “Fine, just for you my little princess” she said. “So you're fine, yeah?” he asked, “Actually.. we need something.” Alexandra told him, “Yeah?”, “We need to go home NOW. So could you help us?” she questioned him. “Sure! Gimme a few minutes” he said.

I was really happy. Who knows, maybe someday we three will be friends? Hm..

Some time later

“Hey! C'mon little lovers, let's go to your home” he said. “We're on our way!” I said back.

We went home. I was really happy.

“Thank you.. and what's your name?” I asked him, “Oh, it's John!” she answered me. “Cute” I said back. “Hey you two! Stop it. I'm getting jealous!” Alexandra told us, “I like when you're getting jealous daddy.” I said, “Whatever” she said back.

Time speed

“Haha! It was really nice to meet you.. sorry for earlier. You seem really nice to be honest!” Alexandra told John, “You too” he said back.

John needed to go his home do he did.

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