33 | finders keepers

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MY PLAN HAS two phases.

Phase 1: Avoid Flynn except when it's necessary to be around him.

Phase 2: Limit physical contact with Flynn.

Now you may wonder. How is this going to work if the whole school believes we're dating? I've wondered that too but it's the third day since I set my plan into motion and it's been going great.

For three mornings, I've convinced Flynn not to give me a ride to school with the excuse that my mum has recently been hell-bent on giving me a ride to school herself. Meanwhile, Woody gives me a ride to school but on my request, parks in an inconspicuous area so I can easily sneak into the building without anyone noticing. Also, I don't share many classes with him so I don't have to see him all the damn time.

Also, I've tried to stop Flynn from kissing me. Three days ago, I told him I had a particularly infectious mouth sore and I don't know if he bought it, but he's been giving me forehead kisses or kisses on the cheek instead.

But today, I woke up with a headache. And that's probably because I had only two hours of sleep. It was one of those nights when I desperately needed someone to talk to. And even if Flynn gave me the permission to interrupt his sleep if I ever needed someone to talk to, I didn't do that because midnight conversations with someone I'm trying delete my feelings for isn't going to end well for me. So I just lay there on my bed, with my eyes wide open and stared at the ceiling until the slightest grip of fatigue came to me around 4:00 a.m.

Now I'm stumbling down the stairs with a desperate need for coffee but when I get to the kitchen, I see the note mum plastered to the fridge. The last item reads coffee beans. We're out of coffee. How in the world are we out of coffee? I open the cabinet and find a roll of coffee but it's for grandma. If I take one, I'd probably be awake till next week.

I discontentedly settle for a cup of tea and pull my hoodie over my head as I step out of the house. Woody can't take me to school today because he caught a cold last night and mum can't take me to school today because she's working an early morning shift. I need a goddamn car for myself but that's like wishing for pigs to fly. Not with the kind of money I have.

My hand itches to take out my phone from my pocket and call Flynn but stubbornness and pride won't let me. So I settle for walking and then I leave my porch and hike to school.

By the time I get to school, I'm exhausted and thirsty. Students are clustered around the outside and some are headed into the hallway already. The cacophony of loud voices and slapping shoes coupled up with my sleep-deprived headache makes my head beat like a thousand drums. I pull my black hoodie further down my head and walk behind the cars in the parking lot.

Just before I can take the next step, a body sidles up to the car beside me and blocks my path. I crash into their chest and freeze because I'd know the owner of that cologne any day, any time.

When I look up, Flynn is staring at me blankly. He's wearing a black Tee as always and he's leaning against the back of this random car with his arms folded across his chest. But when I look at his hand—bless his heart—he's holding a cup of coffee from Sprouts. Just what I need to start my day. But with the look on his face, I doubt I'm getting my hands on that anytime soon.

"Sup." Is the lamest thing I come with as I take a step back and fiddle with the straps of my bag.

He looks behind me. "I don't see his truck anywhere."

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