05 | publicity stunt

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DEBATE CLUB IS booming with music by the time I walk in. Colored papers and cardboards are littered all over the table and bits of tapes are scattered on the floor. Everyone-including the odd number- is gathered around the table, scissors in hand or tape in the mouth. There's a phone right there in the middle playing a rock music and when I inch forward a bit, with an utterly confused expression on my face, Khalid is the first one who notices me.

"Come on. We need extra hands here," he waves me over and the rest turn to look at me, a few 'hey Jo's here and there greet me as I close the door.

"What's going on?"

Cass rips the small duck tape that is plastered to a scissors and turns to me. "We're making posters!"

"You know, like a publicity stunt," Khalid sighs. "It's like this club doesn't even exist."

I shrug as I take a seat next to Amanda who hands me a blank piece of paper. "We don't necessarily have to be a large club. I think we're enough."

Austin nods with an exasperated look on his face. "See."

"Can someone change the stupid song, already?" Mel whines from where she's seated. I'm pleasantly surprised she's doing anything to contribute because she's honestly just like the female version of Flynn in the club. Except I don't hate her. She has her elbow resting on her palm and she's writing on the pink paper in front of her. Her hair's twisted in a messy knot and she's sitting right next to Flynn who looks like he's actually enjoying himself.

"I actually think it's a good idea," Cass says. "We talked about it yesterday."

I frown. "There was a meeting?"

"Yeah, like on the group?" Amanda says before picking up a colored pencil. "You weren't active but we just thought you'd agree either way. Plus, Mrs Lenderman says it's cool."

Right. I switched off my phone for the better part of yesterday.

"Actually, Flynn came up with the idea," Cass smiles.


"He's such a genius. Plus, he got us all this stuff. He really is changing," she gestures to the table and smiles.

I scoff. "He's not even in the group."

"Yeah," Mel says with a glint in her eye. "I added him. He's a member of the club, just in case you've forgotten."

Flynn finally acknowledges me when he looks up from the table and looks me up and down with the edge of his lips upturned. "I'm still hurt, Pryce."

"Poor thing," Mel says with a sad smile and I can't help but ask myself, What the fuck? in my mind.

"Skipped my mind." I grumble even though it's a lie and stare at the papers with uncertainty. There's a bunch of decorated posters and cards arranged in a stack and I reach out to take one from it. It's a small blue card decorated in cursive handwriting inviting students to join the club.

I turn it over, feeling thoroughly impressed by the creativity. "Wow," I say placing it back before going through the rest. "These are pretty impressive."

"Right?" Cass sighs and shoots Flynn another dreamy look. "Where'd you learn this stuff?"

Flynn shrugs without looking at her and then looks at me, before cockily saying, "Guess you could just call me talented."

I roll my eyes without even meaning to. It's like an involuntary action whenever he says something.

Mel drops her head on the table, probably fed up with whatever she's doing. "Mhm. I think you should run for captain next semester."

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