Thirty Seven

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Darius's POV

Gideon had gotten the permission to enter Rowena. He and Jarvis came to the castle to leave Annette with Ella for a while and stopped by my room, telling me to come with them.

We were at his place, watching him draw patterns on the floor while chanting some words.

Jarvis looked at me for a second and then looked away with a sigh.

"Okay." Gideon breathed out and sat in the middle of the star shape he had drawn.

He closed his eyes, mumbling the mantras. The candles he had lit around him went off and the outline of the star sparkled.

He opened his eyes with a grin. "I did it." He chuckled.

Jarvis smiled at him proudly.

"Let's go." He whispered. "Come on here." We followed his order and stood on the star as we were told. He said something in foreign language again and the ground below my feet opened up, swallowing three of us.

We fell on the ground, hard, groaning in pain.

I winced and looked up to see a pair of legs.

My eyes trailed up and I saw a brunette girl with blue eyes staring down at me in question.

"Who are you?" She questioned, blinking at me.

I stood up. "Alpha Darius Rodriguez." I answered, eyeing her. She gave me off a very strong vibe.

The kind that made me wanna follow her every order.

"And you?" She looked at Jarvis.

"Jarvis King." He replied. Her eyes twinkled in amusement.

"King? Are you related to Leon?" She cocked her head to a side, examining Jarvis.

"Uh, yeah." Jarvis nodded.

"Let me guess, a hybrid?" She asked and Jarvis nodded. "And a witch?" Gideon mumbled a yes. "Of course, a werewolf." She grinned at me.

"Yes." I said.

"I'm Calliope Edgar King. The strongest Shifter of Rowena." She introduced with pride and joy. "I really think you are good people and would love to show you around our Kingdom but, I need your IDs and purpose of visit." She smiled.

I looked at Gideon and Jarvis did too.

"Oh, uh.. we have the permission to visit. And we are here to seek help from the King regarding a disappearance of a..friend." he cleared his throat.

"Oh, great. I mean, I'm sorry for your friend but it's good that you have permission." She babbled.

"Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, Shifter Calliope, but, are you one of the Higher UPs?" Jarvis asked, nervously.

She grinned at him with a proud nod. "Well, I married one, didn't I?"


"Allow me to introduce myself again: I'm Shifter Queen, Calliope Edgar King, ruler of Rowena beside His Highness Leonard King, the Almighty."


Calliope took us to the Rowena's castle and it was ten times bigger than the one we lived it. Not only that, it was so, so beautiful.

The floor was covered with red carpet and the walls had beautiful paintings of people on it.

"Dead, dead, dead, dead." Calliope said, pointing at every painting. "And that's him. Leon." She smiled at the painting with stars in her eyes.

She was deeply in love with him. I could see that.

I looked at the painting.

On the throne sat a lean man, elbow rested on the armrest and chin on the hand as he stared ahead, dark brown hair falling on his green eyes. He looked very bored.

"And that's me!" She chirped. Beside the King's picture was her.

She was sitting on a throne too but, with a red dragon on her lap and both of them grinning in front of them.

"You're really beautiful." Gideon said, chuckling softly.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Now, let's go to the throne. Leon will meet you there."

We nodded and followed her.

The big doors opened and revealed a huge throne room. It was all empty.

"You should wait here. I'll be back." She said and ran off.

My mind went back to Cassandra. How she must be doing?

"Is that a..."

I looked in front of me and was face to face with a red dragon.

Startled, I jumped back with a gasp.

It was the same dragon that was in the painting with Calliope. I honestly thought it was fake. Didn't know she kept a real dragon around her.

The dragon flew around me a couple times, making me stiffen and then flew away.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That...was scary." Gideon said. "But adorable." He added with a smile.

Out of nowhere, a man appeared, the one I earlier saw the painting of, on the throne in front of us, looking at us with a warm welcoming smile,

He looked a couple years older than me.

"Don't start without me!" We turned around and saw Calliope running towards the throne beside the King's with the dragon flying behind her.

"Of course not." The King laughed, standing up and offering his hand to her and helping her to her throne.

Calliope sat on her throne, getting comfortable with the dragon on her lap and looked at the King. "Start now."

"Yes." He said, playfully glaring at her and then looking at me. "Alpha Darius, how can I help you?"

"My..." I cleared my throat, feeling intimidated by his presence. He gave off a stronger vibe than Calliope's, as if he was my King.

Taking a moment to speak up, I sighed and started telling him. "My mate, Cassandra Michaelson has been kidnapped by Blood Queen and we cannot find her now. Please, help us." I gulped.

"May I know why she was kidnapped?" He asked.

"She's the White Luna." I mumbled.

His eyes widened slightly while Calliope looked shocked. "The White Luna has been borne?"

"Yes." Gideon nodded. "We hid that because of some complicated situations between us, vampires and rogues and now, the Blood Queen too."

"Mmm, I understand." The King said a while later. "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you."

"I checked everywhere for Luna but I haven't found her. If you could please, help us look for her with your powers, maybe you'll see her." Gideon said with a softened and pleading expression.

He turned towards Calliope and she nodded. He stared at her a few moments before taking a long pause and sighing.

He then smiled. "Okay."

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