Twenty One

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Gideon's POV

I was trying to make some sense of this whole situation but nothing seemed logical. I continued collecting the torn pages of the book and put them together.

The door opened with a loud bang, almost breaking. Before I knew it, I was being dragged to my feet with a hard grip on my arm, making me wince.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The hybrid hissed, gripping my chin with his other hand, making me look straight into his red and golden eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked, without stuttering, surprisingly myself. He glared at me, tightening his hold on me and I hissed in pain. Suddenly, his grip loosens and he takes a half step back.

"What do you mean?'

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Alora and it's Church?" I asked, confidentially. He stayed silent. "Tell me! Who the fuck are you?!"

"Jarvis! I'm Jarvis King!!"

To say I was shocked after hearing his outburst would be an understatement. For a moment, I believed him. I believed him to be the Jarvis King from the Alora's legend. But it didn't make any sense. Jarvis killed himself after his mate's murder.

"That's not possible." I shook my head. "Jarvis died centuries ago."

"Or maybe he was forced to be someone's toy for experiments." He said, his voice thick with emotion and sadness and a little bit of anger.

I believe him. I know I shouldn't, but I do.

"W-what happened?" I asked, gulping down the heavy lump in my throat. He let out a bitter laugh.

"Same thing that happens to everyone in love for the first time — tricked and thrown aside." He stared at the empty space in a distance behind me.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say or how to react. Surprisingly, a moment late he spoke again.

"Viviana was her name. My mate, I mean." He cleared his throat and sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall with his hands on his knees. Tears had started forming into his eyes already and it broke me to see him like that. "We met during a hunt. She lived in a small cottage between the woods. It was love at first least, for me it was. We would meet occasionally and talk and share our feelings. It was beautiful." He whispered.

"Then?" I asked, whispering softly.

"One day, she came to me, saying she needed to get some herbs for her dying mother within twenty four hours or she would loose her. I pitied her and decided to help.

"I left my Kingdom into my brother's hand and started my search. I asked every healer, every witch, every single creature I would find on my way about such herbs and no body knew about it." He sighed. "Twenty four hours had passed before I knew it and I was sad that I had failed her. I was sad because I couldn't find the herbs. I couldn't save Viviana's mother.

"While returning, I was attacked and knocked out. When I woke up, I was in a dark room with my hands and legs tied with silver. I tried my best to be free but failed. Soon, I heard footsteps and two blood witches were standing in front of me.

"Turns out, there were no such herbs. Viviana never had a mother. Moreover, she was never my mate." His fist clenched as anger rose into him. "It was all part of the blood witches' and my brother's game. He had sold me out to the witches to takeover the Kingdom.

"After that day, it was all a pure a torture for me. For decades, I had suffered so much. Every morning I would be dragged to a room full of dark energy and black magic. They would take out my blood sometimes or make me forcefully drink a vampire's blood. I was stabbed by silver so many times. Some dark soul patterns were carved over me through silver blades. They would perform their black magic on me just in order to turn me into a creature that is sired to them.

"So many experiments, so many tests that my own screams had started to haunt me. But at the end, it was all fail. This one day, those witches decided to give up and left me behind in a burning church. The last thing I saw before passing out was a white wolf with blood on its mouths and teeth." He finished.

"And then?"

"Then?" He glared at me. "This happened." He gestured at himself. "The vampire's blood was already in my system and I died with a White Luna's bite, resulting in this monster."

I crawled towards him before I knew it and cupped his face in my hands.

"You aren't a monster, Jarvis. Stop trying to be a villain. There's still time." I whispered and he leaned in my touch. "You don't have to kill Cassandra. You don't have to kill anyone. Just...stop all of this now."

"Wait." He frowned. I looked into his eyes. "Who's Cassandra?" Surprised, I jumped back, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Gideon, who's Cassandra?" Jarvis narrowed his eyes on me. I gulped and shook my head.

He knows White Luna but he doesn't know Cassandra. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"No one." I stepped back.

"Is she...her?" His glare intensified even more. I shrugged, looking around.

"I have no idea what you're...taking about." I gulped. A sinister smirk formed on his lips as he stared at me.

"You do know her, don't you? That means you also know her whereabouts." He stepped forward. His pupils turned completely red as he stared deep in my eyes.

"Tell me Gideon, where is the Blood Queen?" He asked, trying to compel me but for some reason it didn't affect me at all.

But, that's not the point.

"Blood Queen is alive too!?" His eyes went wide before narrowed on me again.

"You don't know her so who you've been trying to hide all this time?" He questioned.

"The White Luna." I whispered.

"You were protecting White Luna?" He snickered. "She already has me for that."

"I don't understand." I shook my head, trying to process all this. I looked up at him. "You wanted to kill Cassandra and now, you're telling me you don't know her?" I frowned.

"I still don't know her." He said with a smirk.

"She's the...White Luna." I mumbled and he nodded. "Why were you making armies of hunter and rogues then? Why did you send them to kill her?"

"Armies of hunters and rogues?" He said and burst out in laughs. "C'mon, only stupid werewolves would team up with a hunter." He rolled his eyes. "And my existence is unknown to everyone... except you." He added.

"Then why kidnap me!?" I yelled in frustration.

"Because..." He trailed off.

"Because what?!"

"You're my mate!"

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