Thirty Four

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Cassandra's POV

"Cassey." I snapped out of my trance and looked at Darius. "Come on. I have something to show you." He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen.

"What is it?" I questioned, my voice laced with thick emotion.

"Just come along." He opened a huge wooden door and pull me in into the completely empty room.

The door closed behind me us and I sighed. "Why are we here?"

"Turn around." I did and my jaw dropped.

The huge door had weapons on it. Daggers, swords, katana, knives, rifles and lots of others.

He pulled out a dagger and threw it at me. I caught it effortlessly and he smiled.

I looked down and was fascinated by the wolf carving near the ring.

"Jarvis said it belonged to the previous White Luna." Darius softly said. "I guess, it passes on. You'll need it."

"Darius." I whispered, my lip trembling. I walked towards him, hugging him tight. "I'm scared."

"Me too." He whispered, kissing my head. "But, we will get through this. Together, right?"

"Yes." I chuckled and nodded.

"Just think about how happy we will be after all of this is over. Our pack will be happy. The Kingdom. But mostly us." He joked, I giggled, wiping the tears. "I wish we had another choice, Cassandra." He seriously said, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Me too."


Darius and Jarvis have gone to check on the pack and look for my dad. Annette was sleeping in her room and I was looking for Gideon.

He was in his library, up in the air with books floating around him.

"Gideon." I called out. Startled, he lost his balance and fell down on his butt with books falling on him too.

It was quite funny.

I snorted and helped him up. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Ow!" He winced, rubbing his head. "Looking for soul removal spells. It will enable me shift souls from one body to another and I'm sure it will help us somehow."

"Okay." I nodded. "Any way can help?"

"If you can read the ancient language, please, do help." He laughed.

I took one look at the book's page and...

I gave up.

"Um..." He laughed again and patted my head.

"It's all right. You should rest." He said. "Full moon is tomorrow. You'll need some energy to adjust to the sudden growth of power you'll feel."

"Yes." I cleared my throat and started walking out of the room when I heard him call my name again.

"Luna," I turned around. "Wanna learn some magic?"


I went to my room and slept off. When I woke up, it was 8pm and Darius had returned. They all were in the kitchen, helping each other cook while Annette instructed them.

It really was a adorable sight.

As if sensing my presence, Darius turned around, smiling and walked towards me, wrapping me in his arms and sighing.

"I missed you." He mumbled, making me chuckle.

"Last four hours must have been pretty much hell for you, right? Not seeing me?" I joked, earning a laugh and a peck on the lips.


"Are the pack members okay?" I asked.

"They are fine." He entangled in hand in my hair, massaging my head and making me leaning into his touch. His expression then softened. "We didn't find King Jared and also, no sign of Josephine or say 'Blood Queen'."

"That's not how you do it! Dad!" Annette whined.

After the banter between Annette and Jarvis about whether to stir the soup anticlockwise or clockwise, we finally were served the dinner.

We ate in silence. Jarvis put Annette to bed and Gideon walked to his library. Darius and I decided to clean up before going to bed.

"Full moon is tonight." Darius reminded. I nodded. "How do you feel about it?"

"Literally all I can think about right now is where is my dad and what happened to my mother." I sighed. "Anyways, we will have to go to our pack. Some pups are having their first shift."



Unknown's POV

"More! I need more blood bags! This soul is fighting me." She ordered her minions. The group scattered around in the human word to get blood bags for their queen.

"If I want to live now, I'll have to diffuse my blood with the White Luna's as soon as possible. Then, I'll finally get rid of this soul and could live for eternity." A wicked grin formed on her face. "Full moon is tonight, isn't it?"

"Yes, my queen." One of the witches answered.

"Tell Edmund we will have to fast forward our plan. We are attacking tonight. Capturing the White Luna tonight. And by tomorrow, we will take over the werewolf territory."

"Yes, queen. Right away." The witch turned around and left the room to pass on the message to the Vampire King, Edmund.

Edmund responded affirmatively and began restoring his army. He is always ready to see werewolves being destroyed.

"Zane, my man!" Edmund called out. "Prepare the warriors. We are fast forwarding the plan and attacking tonight."

"Yes, your highness."

Zane without question, walked out of the room and prepared his warriors.

"Do we really have to kill them?" One of the warriors named Lewis asked, expression softened.

Between all these heartless vampires, there was a small group of them who didn't agree with Edmund's ways but had to follow if they wanted to stay alive.

"I know it's hard. Things will get better. We have Alpha Darius' support. For now, let's just do what we are told."

"Okay." He mumbled.

"I'll send him a message though, warning him of us."

"Yeah. You do that." Lewis nodded. "I'll go get my battle suit."

Zane scribbled the message on a piece of paper and gave him to Axel, the wolf that was loyal to Darius. He patted Axel on the head before whispering, "Go."

Axel picked up the paper and ran through the woods.

"Is Edmund aware of this stunt you've pulled?" Said a creepy, feminine voice.

Hurriedly, he turned around and was faced with a black cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" Zane gritted out.

She pulled of her cloak, revealing the brown hair and the face Zane knew all too well.

"Beta...Beta Michaelson?" Zane frowned.

The next thing he knew, she had punctured his neck with her fangs and was now feeding on him.

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