Victor Zsasz

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You set eyes on Victor before reaching into the hat. You want to make eye contact with him so he knows even if you don't get him you wanted him. Your finger drags against something sharp, you pull away quickly but then pull it out. It's a knife. Victor who is still locked onto your eyes, smiles. You don't know why you are so excited. This man kills people and he is proud of it!
        Before you can think too hard about it he takes your hand and guides you into the closet and it shuts almost immediately. Your heart races. The butterflies in your stomach turn into birds. In an instant he cups your back with his arms and lowers you. His lips meet yours. It's a soft, warm, and gentle kiss. A pleasant surprise. You push deeper and he nibbles a bit before kissing the side of your lips and then your cheeks. He works all the way to the temple. He sighs with pleasure. Your hands are holding his head. It's soft and smooth, not prickly at all. You pull yourself up to kiss his head.
        That's when you feel something sharp and cold against the back of your neck. 
        What a foolish girl. 
        "Look, I like you. We talked and danced and kissed and I enjoyed it. But this life is a curse and I love you too much to not free you from it." He says as his breath glides over my ear.
        You look at him incredulously.
        "That's your reasoning? You think killing me is how to help me?! Look back at your last sentence. You said you 'enjoyed it'. Life can't be such a horrible curse if it's so enjoyable." You reply terrified.
        "You are a smart woman. But happiness is only an illusion." He says as the blade drags against my neck.
        That's when the door opens the guests gasp at the sight. Your friend Selina yanks you away to safety. Victor meets your eyes as you are hustled away from him.
        "I had to kill you before I fell in love, before I wasn't able to anymore." He says.

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