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Everyone else had been drawn. Oswald Cobblepot the king of crime in the most crime infested city in the world was the last one standing there. And so are you. He looks down bashfully. You can tell he is self conscious of his height and his awkward gait. But he has a beautiful face. A face you are going to kiss against all better judgement.
        Once you are both in the closet and the door is shut you are overcome by the sharp smell of his cologne. It smells VERY good. He stands there head towards the ground but eyes looking up at you in the dim light. You reach out and tilt his chin and head up.
        You lean down and put both his lips between yours. He makes a surprised muffled sound and then sighs happily. He reaches his arms around your back and clutches both of your shoulder blades, rubbing them slightly. You want to stick your fingers in his hair but it's just too perfect to ruin. instead you run your fingers along his hairline before slowly dragging your hands under his jaw. He makes the kiss deeper. He melts into you more and now you've moved on to kissing his jaw. You mutter something about how pretty his hair is. He strokes his arm around your back until he finds your arms and he strokes up your arms until he finds your hands and once he finds your hands he intertwines your fingers. Then he guides your hands up and whisks them through his hair.
        Light pours in as the closet door opens. Man, you could have stayed in there a lot longer with him. He links his arm in yours and leads you out to a corner in the room. He looks up at you with a bashful smile.
        "Um, I'm always at the iceberg lounge when it's open. That is- that is in case you did- you wanted to see me. I'd be there..." He says nervously.
        You squeeze his hand and tell him you will be there a lot more often too.

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