Chapter 19

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"I'll be here okay?" I smile at Hazel whilst taking a seat on a chair in the waiting room. "Yeah," she mumbles with a small smile before heading off to the room with her therapist Mrs Cameron. It's a one hour wait but I don't give two shits. It's one hour of Hazel getting as much help as she can get. Besides, I made fun by scrolling on TikTok.


I look up at her voice and put my phone away whilst smiling, "hey baby, how'd it go?" She shrugs, "alright I guess"

"Well that good, besides, it's only your fourth session, I'm sure it'll get better"

As we walk out of the building she turns to face me, "can we go get ice cream?"

"Of course"

Arriving at the ice cream shop I order a Oreo cone for me and a vanilla cup for Hazel. We take a seat on a lawn with a view of the beach and start eating, making small talk. "Hey can I try yours?" Hazel asks. I nod as she brings her hand up to take the cone. "Fuck I shoulda gotten this one," she groans making me laugh. "We can swap" she shakes her head. "No it's yours"

"Hazel I don't mi-"

"No, we can share, but it's yours so I'm not taking it." she crosses her arms. "God you're such a child," I tease.

She gasps, "I am not!"

"You so are"

"Take that back," she glares.


She shrugs, "fine." Before I know it she's on top of me, making me laugh as she tickles me. "Take it back"

"Okay okay okay! I take it ba-back!" I shout in laughter, causing stares from a couple people. But I don't care. She sighs and with a satisfied smile she backs away and starts eating her ice cream again.

"Child," I whisper under my breath.

She gives me a side eye as I smirk. "You're such a bitch," she jokes. "Well if I'm a bitch you must be the child of Satan himself"

Her eye twitches in playful anger, "well then, if I'm so evil. Then I'm sure you can't blame me when I cut your damn hand off!" I scream as she jumps on top of me. She lightly chuckles as she rests her head on my chest and I wrap my hands around the small of her back. "I love you so much"

I see her smile, "I love you too Nova"

I'm so sorry but, this story will be coming to an end soon. As most of you know I absolutely hate writing slow burns and long stories cause I simply just don't have motivation or enough ideas or even patience. Also, I deadass have over 10 stories that are a work of progress that I just wanna publish, but I can't. So again, sorry! But there will still be a couple more chapters left of this book before ending. But they may be short. I'll make the last one long-ish though.

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