Chapter 2

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It's 2:30 and school has finished.

Hazel had send me her address after yesterdays call, and told me to be there at 3:30. So I quickly go home to freshen up with a shower, some food and water. before leaving with my dads car which he let me borrow.

When I arrive to her house I notice how fucking RICH she is.

Public school but rich?

Eh who cares, Private schools are shit anyways.

I ring the doorbell and it takes about 2 minutes for it to be answered.

When I come face to face with Hazel, I notice how different she looks from the last time I saw her.

Which was 5 months ago.

She has added a new piercing to her face, a septum. Her hair is shorter, but not too short. She looks a little skinnier, and much more pale.

But she's still beautiful.

"Done checking me out?" Her cocky voice asks.

I blush in embarrassment and mumble a quick, "sorry"

"Relax, I was fucking with you" she replies, noticing how red I probably am.

"Anyways, come in"

As I walk through the hallway I notice how her house is decorated in mostly white furniture, however, her bedroom is completely different.

Dark-ish grey walls, black furniture, black and grey bedding, and band posters up on the wall.

Damn she's got some good music taste.

Chase Atlantic, Artic Monkeys, Bones, The Neighbourhood, $uicideboy$, Nirvana, and Mother Mother.

Then she also has singular artists, such as, Eminem, The weeknd, Lana del ray, NF, Lil peep, and...


Her voice pulls me out of the admiration on her posters as I look at her.

"We gonna start or..."

"Oh right, uh...can I sit on your bed?"


Once I've gotten my books out to take notes we start discussing the project. Or more like me.

"So I'll tell you some things about me, and you'll write it down, then you can eventually turn it into a story."

She just hums.

"Okay well I absolutely adore my dad, he's probably my best friend, I have a pet dog and his name is Cookie, he's a Papillon, Lana deal ray with all my heart, favourite colour is pink, I'm uh, very much gay, realised when I was 12, my favourite flowers are Roses and Tulips, I'm obsessed with crystals and like witchcraft, oh and I love no-"

"Okay yeah, I think that's enough information for now" she speaks quickly.

"Right sorry, I tend to speak a lot" I whisper the last part, looking down.

She sighs, "I like music"

"Yeah, your posters on the wall. You have great taste" I smile softly.

She hums while looking at me.

My cheeks feel warm which means I'm definitely blushing, so to distract myself, I look away and ask, "anymore stuff to tell me?"

"Not really" she shrugs.

I sigh, "well...what's your favourite drink?"


"Favourite colour?"

Hazel Where stories live. Discover now