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"Fuck You!! Elijah yelled spitting on Hernadez's face, Elijah repeatedly punched Hernandez's face while he was still pinned down on the ground Hernandez puts all of his body weight on Elijah's abdomen making him grunt with every punch

Elijah pulled back his arm but the floor hindered his arms to be fully pulled back, making the punches weak and ineffective.

Elijah continued to hit different parts of Hernandez's face, Trying to move Hernandez off of his body.

Elijah pulled out his gun from his back pocket and then aimed it at Hernandez's neck but the moment Elijah's hand began to raise, Hernadez grabbed his hand and bent it throwing the overture to the side.

" It is useless, Just tell me who sent you merc!" Hernandez exclaimed slowly gripping his hand that was on Elijah's neck

Judy slowly enters from the window where Elijah was pulled inside, Hernandez knew that he was being tailed so he used the room in front of him as bait, He knew that Someone who was following him since he left the kiosk would have entered from the door, but when he saw a small silhouette of a man at the window he didn't hesitate to pull him inside.

With her Pistol in her hands, Judy crouched and silently jumps inside the room, she walks towards Elijah and Hernandez who still had Elijah pinned, Judy aims her gun at the back of  Hernandez's head and fired the bullet destroying his cheek and breaking some of his teeth when the bullet hit his face.

Hernandez looked away from Elijah and glanced behind to see Judy who shot him, he took this chance to push Hernandez off of him but Hernandez didn't budge when Elijah began to push him off. Hernandez's weight and all the metals in his body were making him double the weight of an average 6-foot-tall man.

Elijah saw a knife on Hernandez's pants and reached out to grab it, Hernandez stood up to kill the girl who shot her.

Judy slowly backs away while continuously shooting Hernandez in the body but it wasn't effective, all bullets that  Judy shot only ricocheted off of Hernadez's chest.

Elijah who got Hernandez's Knife ran to Hernandez, Elijah jumped on Hernandez's back and used the momentum he had to twist his body and make Hernadez lose balance and fall.

Elijah raised the knife and stabbed it between Hernadez's Colar bone and Scalupula.

"ARGHHHH!" Hernandez yelled, grabbing Elijah by his jacket he threw him to the wall and kicked Judy in the stomach.

Hernandez pulled out a thick syringe that has the same shape as an AirHypo. Hernandez injected the needle just below the eye socket.

"Ahhh I knew you look familiar," Hernadez said Grinning his eyes becoming distorted "You're that bitch Miranda's Brother! too bad I didn't get a taste of her"

Hernandez's cyberware began to glow and release smoke, he dashed toward Judy and Elijah and kneed Elijah on the stomach, Elijah endured the pain and slashed the knife to Hernandez's neck.

Elijah wanted to question Hernadez but every time he brings out a question Hernadez didn't give him a chance to talk
Hernandez immediately dodged when he saw what Elijah was trying to do. Hernandez grabs the knife after dodging it and threw it away.

Judy raises her gun and shoots at Hernadez, He dodged a few bullets but got hit by 2, The two bullets hit was in the neck and ear.

Hernandez pukes blood from his mouth and covers the gunshot wound on his neck. He rushes to the knife that he threw earlier and dashes at Judy, Elijah grabs his gun reloaded it, and shot Hernandez in the back of his neck.

Elijah and judy sat down exhausted when Hernandez dropped dead their body was aching.

"Fuck how did he notice us, and How the hell is she related to Miranda?!" Elijah said standing up and Groaning in pain he walks to Hernadez's body and searched for a unit card.

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