Stake Out

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It was already night time Elijah and Judy were parked in front of an apartment in Heywood, Elijah already let Judy see the chip that Ibarra gave him so Judy already drove them to each location on the chip that had the possibility of Hernandez being in one of them.

The chip showed two possible locations where Hernandez could be hiding it was Japantown or Heywood they already checked most of the apartments in Japantown and the apartment he was supposed to be in.

After spending three hours just parked outside each apartment building and looking at every person who enters and leaves, Their job was much easier thanks to the optics José modded to be able to scan a person and know if that person is in the NCPD database, It was quite a convenient modification when you're stalking a murderer for a job.

The apartments that were near the Glen were full of the homeless, some of them lived under the road underpass and some just live near bins of an apartment.

While Judy was on the lookout Elijah bought some drinks and was already devising a plan they would use Elijah thought that the only thing that proves to be a hard obstacle they needed to get past was Hernandez's gorilla hand implants that could break a person's body that doesn't have any implants and could also break a MK 2 hardened chest implants, The shard also said that Hernandez had a no implants on any of his axial part of the body.

So rather than fighting him head-on They'll have to kill him quietly without being seen by anyone or Hernandez.

Elijah unlocked the front door of the van and sat on the passenger sit where he could see Judy her arms crossed on the car handle and her chin resting on her arms that were leaning on the handle as well.

Elijah tossed Judy a can of Nicola drink that was flavored cobalt blue that tasted like carbonated blueberries, Elijah also gave her a premade burger that you could buy on vending machines.

"Still no signs?" Elijah asked chewing on his food.

"Nope," Judy replied popping the letter P on the word nope, Elijah sighed and bites more into his burger.

"Maybe we should go to Hannah's house? Criminals tend to visit their place they did the crime to feed their ego." Judy said

"Highly unlikely since Hernandez already has the body inside the apartment and has probably no reason to go back," Elijah replied biting the last piece of his burger.

"But it's still a possibility, If he isn't here after one hour we can still check." Judy said, "So what's the game plan how are we gonna do this?" Judy asked

"Can't fight him, so we'll have to take him out silently, My overture can shoot at mid-distance before the bullet starts to drop, just one shot on the head and then it would be over," Elijah said pulling out his overture from the back of his pants then attaching a silencer on the muzzle of the gun.

"I already surveyed the area, If he is here then you can park the Van at the back of the building, there are emergency stairs at the back and it's covered by the road overpass and some scaffolding that was left there," Elijah informed her making Judy nod and leaned back to the car seat.

"So we go up the emergency stairs, and then shoot him, then get the body? Why does that sound so easy?" Judy asked thinking that a person like Hernandez that was already a semi-Cyberjock would be easy to kill.
"Does he have any neuralware? battle integrated chips? Coprocessors maybe?" Judy asked. Elijah slightly tilted his head sideways and was not noticeable.

"A what? these techie terms are new to me please explain, " Elijah asked giving an awkward smile

"APTR Chips, the chips for Reflex-based skills only, like gun firing or hand-to-hand combat wits. These Augmented Program TRCs feed loop - record a specific neural signal from one source... let's say a master black belt in taekwondo skills will record it in memory, then use the recording to activate a series of muscle reactions to another person. the only downside is if you get a chip that is more skillful than another." Judy explained drinking the can of Nicola after explaining.

"Next is the coprocessor, These are specialized "add-ons" that can be plugged into the main neural processor at any time it's an upgrade to linking yourself to different objects and smart guns, Fawkes also had this type of implant, a speedware or sandy-"

"Yeah I know," Elijah said frowning at the memory and cutting Judy off mid-sentence. "The chip says that Hernandez has a krezkinov, I thought you read the chip?"

"I did, I'm just double-checking everything"

"Alright, I'll dictate every cyber ware he has, 5 un-named Bioware 1 neuralware, and gorilla hands."

"We need to be stealthy and make no sound when we do your plan, his having a krezkinov will make this harder his senses or reaction time increases 5x and krezkinov is always active so shooting him as far as possible is the only way so he won't hear the trigger clicking."

All this information dump was making Elijah worry, he thought that the gorilla arms were the only problem but it turns out he was more Cybered-up than he thought.

While Elijah was still trying to rethink his plan, judy talked him on the shoulder and pointed him outside the vehicle.

"Hey, Eli 2:00 it's Hernandez," Judy said pointing near a kiosk was Infront of the apartment building.

"It's time let's go," Elijah said leaving the vehicle with his gun hidden in the pocket of his jacket. Judy followed with her silenced Nue and was also feeling nervous about what was about to happen.

Hernandez grabbed an object that was wrapped in newspaper at the kiosk and went inside the apartment. they acted normal and had a conversation while being just behind Hernandez.

Hernandez was in front of room 105 he took out something from his pocket and entered the room.

Elijah and Judy nodded at each other and went back to the back of the emergency staircase to find the room Hernandez just entered. they slowly walk up to the window and Elijah peeked in.

What he saw was a grandmother's head twisted to a 180degree and two kids that had their faces bashed in.

When Elijah peeked more into the unit a hand suddenly punched through the window and grabbed his face from the side and pulled him inside the right side of the unit.

"Tell me who sent you-!" Hernandez yelled
and punched Elijah in the face. "Tell me!"

He looked out the window to ask for Judy's help but the moment he did, judy was no longer at the window making him swear under his breath.

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