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Elijah and Rebecca was driven  out of Westbrook district and went straight to Watson, the ride to there location was quiet and Elijah had his gun on his hand the whole time still cautious of the people who saved him.
"Who are you again?" Elijah asked still cautious about his current situation.  Rebecca laughs and extended her arm "Nice to meetcha! the names Rebecca" Elijah shook her hands and nodded his head. "An that over there is Falco" Rebecca pointed at the driver.

"Hey," Falco said looking at the side mirror and nodding to Elijah in a southern accent. Rebecca noticed how stiff Elijah is acting and immediately slaps his back, Elijah let out a breath of air from his mouth when Rebecca hit his back, Elijah looked at Rebecca who was grinning while she suddenly put her hands behind her back and leaned on the car's backseat.

"Stop being so nervous and stiff dude! We just saved you the least you could do is just enjoy it"
"Y-Yeah thanks I would've died there if It weren't for you I would've really died there" Elijah said sadly, Remembering the one sided beating he got from Fawkes, He regrets going head on with out a plan his emotions got the better of him and just took control of him.
"why were you even in Fawkes's shop? So many riper doc to choose from and you tried to kill the one with ties to Maelstrom."

"He was the one who killed my sister"

" just let us handle it, your father already hired us we'll bring them to you and you can do what you want." Rebecca said trying to comfort him but it just sounded like an order. Elijah exhaled loudly and scratched the side of his head

"Then let me join you guys, You don't even need to pay me part of the reward money will father give."  Elijah tried to persuade them. Elijah thought that if he could join or atleast help them in the gig their father gave he could have an easier time tracking and getting to Fawkes and any other men involved.
"It's not my call to make, you can talk to Maine if you want in, but I have no doubt he'll probably say no" Rebecca replied which made Elijah clicked his tongue in disappointment
"but the detes you got on Fawkes might change his mind if you got more" She added.

The ride to their destination became quiet after their previous conversation, the only thing that made sound in the car was the engine itself and Rebecca's shot gun which she was constantly cocking and reloading.

Elijah, Rebecca and Falco arrived at the alley of the Afterlife Elijah holsters his gun to the back of his pants. " Are you not going to the afterlife?" Elijah asked exiting the vehicle looking behind him to see Rebecca not moving out of the car.

"Nah, Got something to do." Rebecca said closing the car door. Elijah scratches the back of his head and called Jose first before entering the Afterlife.

[Jose DeGuzman]

" Yo what's up man? What happened to Jamison Fawkes?" Jose asked

"No go, I failed the moment I entered his shop, he knew who I was" Elijah replied

"So why'd you call all of a sudden?"

" I need one more of the optics you modified my other eye is flickering from not having a vision to blurry as fuck"

" Yehp.... Yehpo I got you, Just send me the payment for the other and for the one Im gonna deliver to your house." Jose said to which Elijah agreed and sent 40k to Jose's Account dropping Elijah's to 15k eddies left.

After his call with Jose, Elijah entered the after life where He saw big guy brown skin with yellow hair waving at him, Elijah felt like he already met with Maine.

When Elijah looked at Maine he saw two other people sitting at the booth one was kiwi and the other was Dorio a muscular woman with short blonde hair.

"Rebecca said you wanted to meet me?" Elijah said. Maine sat up straight and stare at Elijah his shades was down to the tip of his know to look Elijah more clearly.

"Yeah, Sit down kid I need to have a word with you." Maine said in an irritated tone.

Elijah sat down next to Kiwi since she seemed to be the less intimidating one, Dorio and Maine was both muscular and intimidating to look at.

"Kid you need to stop, We don't need you doing our job for us." Maine said in an irritated tone. "You and your father shouldn't have hired us if you were gonna fucking interfere the on first day."

"N-No I just wanted to.." Elijah tried to explain himself

"But nothing, If you don't want to die trying to solve mysteries that are beyond you I suggest you back up"

"I want to help!" Elijah argued "Let me help !"

"Haven't you been listening to what I just said!?" Maine slammed his giant hand on the table. "I told you to back off! Why are you so persistent?" Maine asked annoyed and a tick appearing on his forehead.

"I want to avenge my sister! please let me help!"

"Ha! Avenge? what do you mean kid two
years have passed and you didn't do shit what can you do now?"

Elijah didn't know what to say, it was true he let himself forget and was focus on making himself happy with alcohol and gambling.

"Jamison Fawkes has a Sandevistan, he can also dodge bullets point blank, how do you plan to get to Wheeler if someone like Fawkes can dodge bullets?" Elijah said trying to convince them once more

"You don't fucking give up do you? you think we don't know about his Sandevistan? we gave you the BD chip you probably used to scan the two who did those shit to your sister" Maine said rubbing his forehead with his fingers because anything Maine says isn't getting into Elijah's head.

"Fine if you want to prove yourself so much then get a gig offer in the afterlife, If you get at least one job then finish it successfully I'll let you in, if you don't then leave the job to us." Maine said as he leans on the chair.

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