Corpo Kids

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Chapter 5


POV: You

Part 1.

I'm driving through City Center with David in the passenger seat. Our destination was Corpo Plaza, a place where all the big corporations decided to make their head quarters of this damned city. The off feeling from the newly implanted Sandevistan had gone away by now and David is holding up well with the Mk3.

"Tell me again why you are dropping me off at the academy? I take the tram everyday" David questions.

"If I know you well enough, you are getting out of school early today" I tell him while looking at him from the corner of my eyes.

"So you know I'm going kick that choom's ass" He states.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Not gonna stop me?" He questions.

"Nope" I state.

He was kind of taken back by my response "You aren't gonna stop me?"

"Am I supposed too?" I ask him while looking his way.

"Well..." David says and scratched the side of his cheek "I thought you weren't supposed let me get in trouble"

"That's true, I did tell your mom I wouldn't let you get in trouble" I say to him.

"Then why?" He asks.

"Consider this a lesson" I tell him.

"What kind of lesson?" He asks.

I sigh from all his questions "A lesson in learning the consequences of your actions. Like what your mom will do to you after she finds out you got kicked of the school she's essentially been selling her soul for you to be in"

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a buzzkill" He says to me.

"I have, and I don't care" I state.

"No wonder you don't got a girl for you to screw sideways" He states.

I immediately stop the car and he slams his head into the dash. He wasn't wearing his seat belt, another example of the consequences of your actions. Coincidently enough, I was pulling upfront of the entrance to the academy as he said that.

"Ow, fuck choom" He exclaims.

"Listen here David, One if I really wanted to screw a girl sideways, I'd just take myself down to jig jig street pick up a number of the gals down there that would easily ride me for a couple of eddies" I tell him as I put my car in park "Second, speak for yourself David, I had my first lay back when I was your age with the chick in school everyone wanted a piece of but never got. How about you? Get with anyone yet?"

David slumped down in the seat "Damn didn't have to make it feel like I just got kicked in the bolas"

Before I could reply to him, I hear talking from outside the car. With the CrystalDome technology of the car, the person didn't know David and I were inside it. I look outside the car from inside and see a kid with blue hair, two other kids and two guys in suits with them.

"Look at this this thing, wonder what crap hole it crawled out off" The blue haired one says.

"Straight form badlands, got scratched up paint too" One of his friends says.

"Hey Katsuo, dare you to hit it" The other friend says.

"Those little shots better not. Last thing I want to do in corpo plaza is have to beat the shit out of some corpo kids"

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