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Chapter 4


POV: You

Part 1.

It's about evening as I pull up to Misty's shop. I grab the bloody shirt wrapped Sandivistan from the passenger seat then got out of my car. Thankfully for me, no blood soaked through the shirt. I walk into Misty's shop and I see Misty messaging Jackie's shoulders.

"Hey Hermano, how you doin'?" He asks me.

"Fine for the most part. Just got done doing some personal biz" I tell him.

"And that in your hand?" He questions.

"A souvenir of sorts" I replied.

"That kid from yesterday day came in a bit ago" Misty says to me.

"David?" I say.

"Yeah" She replies.

"He kinda looked hot and bothered, like he was gonna go on a rampage or somthin'" Jackie added.

I sigh "Damn kid" I say "Talk to you guys later"

I walk out the back door of the shop and went over to Viktor's lair. As I defend the steps I hear shouting from inside. I turn the corner and see David arguing with Viktor.

"C'mon doc, fix me up with the Sandivistan!" David shouts.

"Ain't gonna happen kid, that thing ain't leaven this place on or off of you without (Y/n) being here" Viktor replies.

"The hell's happening here" I question.

"The kid here wants me to chrome him up with the Sandevistan you brought in yesterday" Viktor tells me "Don't know what's got the fire in him lit but I wouldn't fix that thing to him even if you threatened to kill me"

I raise an eye brow then looked at David "What happened?" I questioned.

David spits in the ground and looks away from me "You wouldn't understand choom" He tells me.

"Lay it out and let's see if I do" I tell him.

"Tch....Choom at school kicked my ass" He states.

"And you didn't fight back?"

"How could I? I ain't got no chrome and he's got some sort of Kung Fu shit going on" He tells me.

I look back at Viktor "What's wrong with the Sandevistan? Why would you refuse to fix it to David?"

Viktor sighs "Based on what I've seen from the specs alone. In my professional opinion, that thing would kill David with in days even if he only used it three times in a day. It's twice the specs of a Militech military grade Sandevistan" Viktor tells me.

"Holy shit" David says.

"There's more. From my diagnostics and my once over, Seems like this thing was made by Arasaka. A prototype probably by the lack of markings. Found some sort of BD chip inside that would record everything once fixed. Got rid of it for good measure" Viktor says then looks at me "If there's anyone I'd fix this to, it's you"

"Me? Wouldn't it be better to sell it?" I state.

"In normal cases sure, but this, a prototype Arasaka Sandevistan. If I'm the wrong hands could end horribly" Viktor tells me "Also, there's another thing, you have the least amount of cyberware I've seen on a merc. Getting this would help you as well as it wouldn't have much of a strain on you unlike it would if you were full on robo"

I look at David "You really want chrome?" I question.

"Yeah" He replies.

"Then you'll get this then" I say while setting the Sandevistan wrapped in the shirt on the table by Viktor.

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