30. Mistletoe

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chapter 30

Evan puzzled over the discovery for what remained of the afternoon, and again when he went upstairs to dress for dinner. Still preoccupied he tuned in with only half an ear to the conversation during the delicious christmas eve feast.

Time and time again, his eyes turned toward his wife where she held court at the opposite end of the lengthy table. He kept coming back to one question: Why had she done it? why had she and her twin set out to decieve him? god damn it why?

at first he didn't want to believe it when he got drunk and wasted at his club, a bunch of men feasting as they roared a toast,

"You picked the right twin i would tell you that Lord Hartwick,"

"What gives you the right to speak of my wife?"

"Calm down, I was just complementing you,"

"Let me phrase it differently then Peyton, what do you know of my wife and who are you to know anything?"

"Haven't you heard? I worked for the palace a long time ago.... Lord windsor has twins, one that I knew very well, and as rumours has been said she was casted away, they were remarkably alike of course but Lilliana wore glasses and cared of anything and everything, a spitfire I would say... god a lively young lady but far too untamed for husband... but she had a big heart, she even made sure my family had somewhere to go when we got fired, your wife on other hand... she was a pawn to her father---- perhaps i've said to much" he stoped as the man took in the thundering look on Lord Hartwick,

And like that Evan couldn't forget the drunk mans words, on top of it he had his suspicions, first and foremost that bloody letter that was the cause to his problems with her, then he recieved an letter that his wife's twin Lillian was not in Ireland but frankly in London, as if that was not odd enough, he got to know she had been in the city for five months,

exactly the time when Evan became a married man, when their wedding took place.

But what gave the truth away was when she arrived to his doorstep, Evan saw the shocked and horrified look in Eleanors gaze, what should have been an enthuastic and excited person who should hug her sister instead froze to the spot

and it could only be because his dear wife hid something from him,

and that was her whole bloody identity!

Lillian... she was Lillian...

dear god he married the twin....

His head was bursting,

He was fuming and had to control himself all through dinner, as if that weren't bad enough she had acted as if she knew nothing of what he spoke about when he cornered her at the hall, and for that he had no one else but to blame himself for, touching her had been a mistake.

A part inside of him giving her the last string of chance to tell him the truth,

which she did not, and instead played the oblivious game.

Well two could play that game.

As the gentlemen joined the ladies in the drawing room after dinner. Over cups of wassail, his cousin Louise was importuned to lend her skills upon the pianoforte. Everyone joined in a rousing chorus of holiday songs.

Somehow as the evening progessed, he ended up near the doorway, his wife at his side.

"Oh ho, look everyone," His cousin Anthony declared, pointing a finger over their heads. "Mistletoe, Go on, Hartwick, You've been fairly caught. Kiss your wife"

He saw the bemused expression in Eleanor--- Lillian, the decietful woman who now glanced upward and realized the significance of the green and white plant dangling overhead. A wistful sorrow stole into her eyes as she gazed at him, his reluctance and her own understood without a word between them.

He tried to laugh off the suggestion, but with the entire family urging them on, John laughing with the kids, he and Eleanor had little choice but to comply the tradition. Touching her last night had been a torture, he could recall the sweet scent over her skin that left him with desire that couldn't be relieved,

with a great restraint, he bent down, dusted his lips lightly over hers.

"Is that the best you can do?" Anthony chastened. "I could kiss my own mother better than that"

"Watch your mouth boy, or you'll find a piece of soap in it," Grandma returned, sending everyone into a fit of giggles.

They all waited. Waited for him to kiss his new wife the way a loving, happy husband would.

Her eyes fastened upon his cravat, faint color staining her pale cheeks. God what a beautiful.. enchanting.. decietful lady she was. He slipped an arm around her waist, fastened his mouth to hers and gave her a real kiss.

He meant to make it fast. A quick, healthy blending of lips that was all flash and no fire, designed solely to satisfy their audience. But as soon as his mouth linked with hers, sensory memory took hold, repressed needs, bitter sweet longings rising to the surface. And he was lost.

Lillian shivered, wanting him so, the near-forgotten beauty of his touch enough to make everything around them fade into oblivion. A rushing like the wind roared in her head, feverish heat scalding her flesh as her body turned complaint. And she thought yesterday was a dream, a quick dream that left her unsatsfied, so long, she thought, an eternity since she'd known this. She wanted, needed it to never end. She reached up a hand, stroked her palm over his lean jaw, his dear beloved face.

Suddenly he pulled away and she was free. She stood confused, dazzled for a long time, odd moments as voices buzzed like bees in her ears. For an instant, he'd made her forget who she was, forget their troubles, forget why he no longer spoke to her, came to her.

A wave of intense heat swept through her, she watched as Evan disappeared in a flash, not bothering to look at her, instead he joined the men leaving her hanging, then her sister came in sight, grasping her arm as she squealed, " Oh you have so much to tell me.... And i want every bit of detail,"

Forcing a laugh when in truth inside her heart wept as her sister dragged her to the group of remaining ladies. Lillian looked over her shoulder hoping to catch his gaze and figure out what in the world could have went so wrong.



A/N : AHHHH YOU GUYS EVAN KNOWS!!! I'm so excited!! Literally been up for days know just writing and writing. Love all of you who read my stories <3 it means so much!

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