13. He knows

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chapter 13.

Lily covered a small yawn with her palm, "Forgive me,"

"No it is quite all right, my dear. This has been a long, eventful day. Why don't you retire for the evening. I will remain here and finish my brandy." He lifted his glass, swirled the dark amber liquid inside, his eyes hooded and intense, "I will join you after a while"

Lillian's nerves roared back to life with a sudden sharp ping as if they were harp strings and he reached out and plucked on, letting it resonate within her. If she had any doubts as to where Evan planned to sleep tonight, she didn't any longer. God what exactly did she expect? that he wouldn't take his maternial rights? Drat, if only he knew that the bride underneath the wedding dress was truly not an innocent bride.

On shaky legs she climbed to her feet, quietly made her excuses and walked from the room.

Half an hour later Lillian sat in front of a small, mirrored dressing table in a cheerful green and white striped bedchamber. Her long hair was neatly brushed and had been left to trail down her back, its heavy weight tied away from her face by a plain white ribbom. Her night gown was white as well. A white gown to signify the innocence of the bride.

Only the bride wasn't innocent, Lily tought with a mental wince. Though she wasn't what anyone would call experienced either. But the number of times she'd made love-- once to be exact--- was immaterial, since there would be no virgin's blood spilled this night.

That's when her belly had clenched and she'd begun to panic.

Bloody hell! why did she go through with it? he would disrobe her and see the lie beneath,

heck, she hadn't even been his substitute bride for a full day.

She knew it was unfair to Evan, even if she had been in his presence for barely a full day she could see that he didn't deserve this. She knew she ought to find some way to tell him. But that would be telling the whole truth, and Lily hasn't yet recieved the letter from her twin sister.

She wished she could turn back the clock and be the innocent he expects.

Should she tell him? should she stay silent?.

The weight of her uncertainty had plagued her, buzzing with anxiety she almost leaped out of the chair when she heard the door creak open on silent hinges and Evan stepped through.

Her time of solitary reflection was at an end.

Breath caught in her throat she watched him shut the door then turn her way. Dressed in a long robe of dark brown velvet, whose colour nearly matched his eyes, he stood tall and powerful, magnificent as a Greek statue. His thick, short hair was freshly brushed, and damp on the ends from washing. His face newly shaven for the third time that day. Just looking at him made her nerve wreck, he was painfully handsome.

Lily tried to think how an innocent bride should act on her wedding night, she lowered her gaze toward the floor and was startled to see his feet was bare. Long and well shaped with neatly trimmed nails, his were the first adult male feet she had ever viewed.

Seeing Evan's feet so masculine, sparked a fluttery sense of awarness inside of her, together with a peculiar sensation of intimacy.

She swallowed hard and linked her hands before her. Then crossed her arms over her breasts a moment later, remembering the scanty state of her attire. She shifted uncomfortably and prayed he wouldn't see right through her.

"Eleanor" he said, holding out a hand, "Come here"

His tone was soft, gentle, the sort a man might use to coax a timid wild creature. Did he know she was frigthened? Was her behaviour about to give away her secrets? she doubted even her shy twin sister would be this hesistant. Then again, her sister had never been intimate with a man, she doubted that honourable Kevin had even went further than a kiss.

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