14. Only started

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chapter 14

Lillian sensed the change in him instantly, swallowing hard against the rushing return of fear and the anxious worry he'd driven from her mind with his pleasurable touch.

He'd brought her to heights she wouldn't have imagined herself capable of reaching. Even now, the pleasurable aftershocks sparked inside her body, fresh desire on the verge of stirring to life again. But his tender entry had stopped, his body grown still. Easing her head back onto the pillow she watched him, watched his expression and flinched

He knew. Dear lord in heaven, he knew

Biting her lip, Lillian wondered if telling the truth had been better. But it was too late for that now.

Far, far too late.

His hazel eyes shone hard and humorless even in the low light. Strain contorted his face, radiating inside the body he had lodged so powerfully, solidly inside her. Lowering her arms and legs, she started to slide free of his embrace, dragging the sheets with her to cover her exposed body, she heard his snark of how it was to late for modesty, to her mortification her cheeks burned

suddenly chilled despite the warmth in the room, an ominous silence descended. Evan rolled away from her, his back facing her and she could see a muscle jumping.

"Evan... I'm sorry" she whispered into the dark.

He said nothing, just staring at the woden floor at the bed canopy. Tears stung her eyelids but she refued to let them fall. She sniffed,

"I should have told you..."

She expected him to lash, after all he expected a virgin, which no doubt her sister would have been knowing that her sister was prickle for society rules.

He didn't lash and said nothing, Oh god, Lillian felt that she could take anger more than silence that eat a person out,


His voice was quiet almost in a whisper,

"It... it was long time ago... I was young and foolish," Lillian muttered feeling the bone shaking of distress inside of her, there... the truth was out... Expecting a string of curses or a death grip upon her she felt utterely surprised as he finally looked at her,

"We all make mistakes..." he calmly replied, it was almost as if he knew what she felt and wanted to explain, Lillian felt a surprisngly calm feeling overtake her, could it even be possible.......

"Aren't you mad?" Lillian asked but it came out accusingly,

His eyes held hers for a moment, "Depends, who is the blackguard who stole  your innocence then?"

"Perhaps not entirely stole..." the revelation had his eyes darken and her own shameful, although it was mostly because the bastard had been working for her father and she's stupidly thought he meant all those wooing words.

"But he is no man I no longer care about," She continued after the tensed silence, "I swear Evan," for some reason the fact that she was supposed to be Eleanor was not something she wanted to think about right now.

He hadn't looked at her as if he despised her... he even understood that one could make mistakes...

"Is that so?"

"Yes. That man is off no importance."

After a stretching, full minute of silence that Lily was sure would continue he dragged in a deep breath, "Although I would be lying if I say I'm not far from mad... I told you the week we were courting that i expect fidelty from you when we marry, what you did in your past before me Isn't my concern, it isn't fundamental to me"

a fluttery of warmth that had no place to be there swept over her, her mouth lifted into a smile as she was about to say something, he spoke before she could, "Why didn't you confide me?"

Looking into his brown eyes Lily felt her throat close, "It isn't a revelation that a— woman wants to reveal..."

"So you decided it was best to deceive me?"

Her gaze flickered, did he know?.

Her lack of innocence was not the only deceit...

But she didn't tell him that.

"I—- I... No, I just— Society's expectations of woman's purity and being a virgin while men aren't set on the same expectation isn't fair," she spoke with an deep frustration and when her gaze meet Evans it was filled with surprise and then he out of everything laughed

Actually laughed and the sound took her aback,

a betraying grin tugged at her lip, "What is so funny my lord?"

When his chest fell down from the rumbling of his deep laughter he smiled at her, "You surprised me that is, that is an statement you sure could use in the lords clubs. But you ought to be glad men aren't faced with such expectations,"

Lily raised a brow, "Whyever not?"

"Well starting with it would be bloody embarrassing for me and mighty uncomfortable for you if I ought to figure out which body place to put where.." he cracked a laugh that she couldn't help but do as well as she imagined that rather... uncomfortable image.

"When you put it like that.."

They laughed again and seeing the lazy glint in his eyes and down to his bare chest she thought about what just happened... her body quickened.

"Am I forgiven then?" She plucked the sheets taking focus on the task

"Well... I understand that women can make mistakes, men have needs and so do women... I am not going to punish you for your past sins," He took a pause where his once warm eyes were gone and replaced with coldnesss ,"no what i hate more is lies and making a fool of me, i won't stand for that. From now on I want the truth from you, whether it is a subject that is not in your favour." he clipped, the once calm voice was gone. Lillian almost gulped, thank god the room were dark, she couldn't take it if he truly saw her fear,

"Yes...." she breathed almost to afraid to utter another word, to her surprise he didn't push the matter further, her breathing turned rigid as something switched all of a sudden.... the air turned hot and sizzling with intensity from the way his heated gaze ran over her sheet covered body,

"Now that the status of your innocence is acknowledged, I believe it comes with certain advantageous..." his deep voice rumbled and before lilly could question his meaning he dragged her sheet, exposing her as he sneaked his arm around her, pulling her flush against him, a smile moved over his mouth, humour warming his skye-coloured eyes. "I can have you again.... and this time I won't go easy..." he whispered against her ear, Lillian face was awash in heat, his words should have made her distrubed but to her mortification she scroched eagerly,

he swooped down and claimed her lips in a swift, sweet kiss that turned her knees jelly, her toes to toast.

God he knew how to kiss.... none that could be compared.... she couldn't get enough of his kisses, feeling like a needy person she held his face fiercly and deepended the kiss knowing the night only started.



A/N : hello guys! I am back with updates, sorry it took me a while, but I have lots of things on my mind lately that needed to be taken care of. My motivation to update and write have been all together very bad BUT KNOW THAT YOUR COMMENTS AND VOTE ALWAYS PUSHES ME FORWARD, Truly! It's for you guys I'm putting out my stories, and to receive a single comment or tapping on that star button makes my day! It keeps me going and evolving. Don't be afraid to share your comments!

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