2. Drastic

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Chapter 2

Lily stepped out of the carriage in not her most lady like way, she could feel the sharp look from her chaperone, blast it. One might think Lily was a schoolgirl and not a fully grown woman of twenty-three years.  Lily covered her face with a veil, she wouldn't be staying long enough for anyone to see her.

Although she never planned when to leave, her presence was not likely welcomed back in London, her father being the voice of that. The night two years ago still clawed her, how harsh her father had been. How cruel, to send her away and separate her twin-sister from her. But again, it was perhaps for the better, for her sister.

The words that changed everything from her obedience, 'Do you have any idea what you have done?. Scandalising with—a bloody stable boy and tarnish our name" he bellowed with a voice that shook the place.

"what of your sister? Have you pictured what ought to happen to her? No one would want to marry a shunned lady, be surrounded by one. Not only have you ruined your chance at marriage and status but your now Eleanor's!"

Scared as guilt ate her up Lily shook her head, "N-no father that was never my intention— I—"

"No more word. None of it. Tomorrow you'll leave for Ireland, thank heavens your aunt will take you in that is if the words haven't traveled thus far."

"W-what? But father you can't!"

"Is that so? Well how will you va e it then? Your sister resenting you for the scandal you have caused"

He said the words that pierced her soul, Lily remember till this day how she wished to return the time, and never done what she did. All because of her sister, because of her twin and the only person In this bloody world she would die for, and without a second thought she quietly obeyed her father and went wherever he sent her..

And to be seen now was something she desperately wanted to avoid, for the sake of her sister.  "Since I have arrived at my residence, you ought to find your room," Lily told her chaperone who narrowed her eyes a friction, when she seemed to gather that there was not one thing odd about her she nodded slowly, "Goodnight my lady," and went away with the shadows of the deep halls, a footman attending her.

Lily breathed out of relief and quickly started to plot her plan, if she wasn't wrong her sister still lived at the Windsor house estate, and if she was lucky, she shall be in the same room. Now how bloody could Lily climb the sixth floor of the house? And not break a leg in the action. And to top it off, not being seen. Her sister had written how butlers and footmen, even guards now swormed around the place. All since the queen of England's brother passed away, which meant their family has become even close to the royal family, that information she remembered from her aunt who tucked the newspaper back in.

Her eyes fell on the letter and Lily once again felt the unsettled feeling above her chest, she prayed that her sister was in no harm, she wouldn't know what to do if that was the cause.

But if she wanted to see her sister, she would have to risk it. Being seen. She quickly disrobed and took of the veil that covered her face, her golden hair was pinned up in a style that she didn't like but it looked most lady like, and if she run into her father, he would most likely not want to see her in her usual uncaring state.

With a quick look at her reflecting she smiled, her eyes gleaming like the once young girl she was, before she would do anything drastic.

Well she always did something drastic


Eleanor was visible shaking, although the worst was only about to come in less than hours she was still in outer shock, a limb started forming in her throat as she silently gulped down, "Oh god, I cant go through it," she cried out, her hands covering her face as she was only hours from getting married.

A maid knocked at her door, "My lady, I brought your bath,"

"In a moment," Eleanor was shocked she even could form words in this moment, frightens always made her tongue tied. She lifted her face and watched her reflection of what should be a happy lady getting married, the stunning bride gown who should reflect a beaming lady was in fact a mortified one.

Marriage should be the happiest day in her life, after all was it not what she had been raised to become? To be married and carry children, to be a wife and live happy. Well that concept never frightened her, in fact the opposite. had it been the man that she wanted. The man she desperately loved, "Oh Kevin" she sobbed in tears.

What had she done?

A man she shared no affection and fondness, but it was the man her father accepted, wanted her to marry. She remembered the day she spoke of Kevin, her father briefly looked at her and then as if her words meant nothing dismissed it, dismissed him. dismissed them.

Yet she could never seem to go against him, God she wanted to be like her sister, uncaring and unscared, she would leave the country as her father told Lily done, first she couldn't believe that her sister went, but one had to look at their father and it all would make sense. He told her that Lily wanted to live with their aunt, oh god if only she begged lily to take her with.

Then all this wouldn't be happening. this nightmare. even if Lord Hartwick didn't seem like the worst man to marry, and if she wasn't so in love with Kevin, she would've grow a fond of him, after all he courted her and took her out to visit some museums. Even if he spoke curtly, she could tell that he was a man of wisdom, a gentleman. but he was not the man for her.

Kevin Lewis was.

A knock or almost a sound of a coin hitting the ground made her turn towards the window that was draped by embordered curtains, it hit again and in a hopeful moment Eleanor believed Kevin was here to save her. With a rush of excitement she leaped out of the bed and sprinted towards her window, if only her bedchamber wasn't so huge.

She threw the curtains aside and frowned at seeing nothing, after all the view was above the ground a good length, then it came again and her eyes settled on the little hidden person behind a bush.

Kevin wouldn't hide behind a bush now would he? He most definitely wouldn't Eleanor told herself, so she crinkled her eyes to see better and saw it was a woman instead, and when the woman came more in sight Eleanor breath hitched. Her eyes grew millions as she saw what possible couldn't be true.

Lillian... her twin sister.


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