16, gameday

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Gina sighed throwing her curls into a messy bun

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Gina sighed throwing her curls into a messy
bun. She had numerous texts from her father about how much he loved her and how much she meant to him.

To everyone else, it was a regular Saturday morning and the boy's basketball season would begin, but today was a day of mourning for Gina, Callie, and her father. November 23rd the day her mother passed away. Gina was only four but it made a difference when your mom is no longer there for the holiday season, to wake you up in the morning, or just watch her grow up.

Fourteen years, her mother has missed fourteen years of her life.

Sucking up whatever emotions she felt the girl went through her morning routine as she normally would. Cameron was gone on another visit, which was good because anyone that knew him was aware that he was not good at comforting people. 

Gina walked past Callie's bedroom on her way downstairs. The woman's bedroom light was on and it was evident that she hadn't come downstairs yet which wasn't her usual routine.
Harley followed the teenager as she walked down the steps and into the kitchen. With no intention to eat a full meal, Gina grabbed a granola bar and sat in the kitchen by herself.

She held her breath when she heard Callie's door open and her footsteps coming down the steps. "Goodmorning honey." She smiled, it was a weak one but she still did. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," Gina responded throwing the wrapper into the trash can. "Um Callie, I just want you to know that just because I'm here doesn't mean you have to put up a facade and feel as if you can't show that you're sad. I miss her too but you knew her your whole life." Gina stated biting her cheek at the last statement.

It was hard knowing that someone had all the time in the world with somebody but being the person who didn't have enough. Gina had faint memories of her mother from when she was little.

"Oh, Gina." Callie breathed out opening her arms and holding the girl. The seventeen-year-old no longer held back her emotions and she cried silently into the woman's shoulder. She cried to where her head started pounding. She cried until her legs gave out and they were both on the floor in the middle of the kitchen sobbing.

The truth is, Gina had never done that before. She'd never cry on her mother's death day she always kept her composure and tried to ignore it. Maybe it was her being away from her father or maybe it was because she was in her last year before adulthood. Whatever it was Gina's vulnerability kicked in and her face was a pinkish red as she and Callie cried in each other's arms.

Callie was first to regain her composure taking deep breaths in and out as she slowly stood up. She held her hands out to the girl on the floor and lifted her wordlessly. "Your eyes, I see her in them." Callie said between her breaths as she held the girl's hands, "you have your mother written all over you and I am so proud of you."

All Gina could do was nod and listen. She had never been so vulnerable and it felt like years of bottled-up emotions spewed out in a matter of seconds.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Callie chuckled wiping her face.

"No, it's fine." Gina sniffed, "I probably needed that. I'm okay, I was planning to go to the basketball game today. I just don't wanna sit here and sulk in my room all day. I don't think it will do anything for me."

"Alright." The woman nodded, "I'll bring back something to eat before I start working."

Gina walked in the gymnasium doors following behind Cyntara who led her down the bleachers and towards the court. Her friend walked her through what she would be doing today and what content she wanted for the Prolific Prep Instagram for the first game.

For the first game of the season, she was gonna have Joshua mic'd up and she was gonna have Dior and Jordan host the questionnaires since they're still sophomores.

"You get the gist?" Cyntara asked as she turned on one of the cameras. Gina nodded waiting to see what she would be doing and why she was dragged down here. "I'm just gonna let you take the photos for today, don't wanna put a huge load on my assistant first game."

"Yeah, whatever." Gina rolled her eyes taking the camera after Cyntara attached the lens.

"So I'll be right back I'm gonna go ahead and run through it with Jordan and Dior."

The boys ran out for warmups as Cyntara stepped off of the bleachers talking with the coach before pulling Jordan and Dior aside.

"Hey, Gina." A voice greeted and Gina slightly jumped as Jalen peered over her.

"You were just down there." Gina held her heart with her free hand as the boy snickered at her reaction.

"My bad, what does Cyntara have you doing?"

"Photos right now but you need to go warm-up," Gina instructed pointing towards the court.

"Why don't you have on a jacket it's freezing in here." The boy's face scrunched up.

Gina looked at the athlete like he was stupid, "I'm from D.C, if this is cold then I must not remember what is."

"Okay, Gina." He sang taking a few steps down the bleachers, "if you need one my bags like right there." He said pointing to his gym bag behind the bench.

"Thank you, Jalen." She nodded and he walked back into the line.

After following Cyntara, taking pictures of Jordan and Dior doing interviews, and snapping some shots during warmups tip-off started and Cyntara switched with Gina. Cyntara would take the photos and Gina would record Joshua, who's mic'd up.

The first half flew by and Prolific was making it seem too easy. The steals and fast breaks weren't rare for Joshua and Coleman. Nimari's deep three becomes consistent by the 2nd quarter, and Jalen, in courtesy of Cyntara informing Gina, was playing like a...unicorn.

"You gotta ask him what it means I wouldn't know either." Cyntara shrugged, "that's just what he calls himself and that's his group."

"It's a group?"

"Yeah you know like, Unicorn Fam." Cyntara shrugged, "I forget you haven't been here since sophomore year."

Just like the first half the second half flew by also and the game was over.

just a filler to say i updated😭

don't worry though i already started the next chapter

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