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(My friend, my beautiful friend, my friend who's the cause for this book's existence.... Here you go! Feast on this! FEEEEEAAAASSSST!!!)

"I'm good yeah I'm feeling alright, baby Imma have the best fucking night of my life." I hummed good along to the song in a while putting the the groceries in the little kitchen area, Lucy found it weird my bedroom was bigger then my kitchen but I stop asking questions long ago about why people built things like this.

I hummed along to it, the music on loop and filling the small apartment.

Lucy had gone out to steal shards and chips to resell for Eddies, my ear still hurts as she found out I wasn't on the roof like I told her. How? Simple! I left my shoes home to do my little trick.

"How to make her mood better?" I sighed, she was cranky with me because of that, I scratched my head before looking around my little kitchen.

My eyes stopped on a journal type bundle of papers shoved between the containers of unused spices.

I grabbed then and looked through the papers before pulling a face.

"Fuck you Ripper." I always lived alone but well I needed food, the crazy man had cut out pages of stuff and handed them over to me the moment they talked about food.... Or had a naked woman them.

I leaned against the wall, flipping through the pages before stopping on one and pulling it out of the pill I stuffed back where they were found. I usually bought take outs to eat or Lucy cooked so I forgot all of these things here.

I read over the half faded recipe on it and just grinned.

"Ah how can she be mad at me when I give her cookies?" (Flash forwards to the Dale building in flame lmao.)

I put away the groceries to make place and cracked these fake joints in my fingers, pinning the recipe to the wall with chewing gum.

(Be ready.... I don't know how to bake cookies so I am going off random knowledge I remember from cooking shows AND Zyber is worst then me.)

"So... Flour, sugar, eggs, chocolate chips, milk and butter." I read.

I looked through the cupboards, pulling a bowl out, amma going to mix it somewhere, all these ingredients.

I had almost everything.... I guess it won't be a chocolate chip cookie but an almond cookie, I sighed, glaring at where I imagined the chocolate chip would be if I had any.

"I'll just put more sugar in it to compensate." I said. "Okay so mix flour with milk and baking powder in a cup, let it rest, got it." I filled a cup.

I poured too fast and got some on the ground, sighing, I set the cup on the top of the fridge and putting the baggy of powder in it before wiping up the mess. 

"If this means something, then this won't be good." I laughed.

I read the whole recipe again, it's not that hard.

Alright, I set the butter aside so it would melt and now, lets get the milk!

I poured it in the big bowl before grabbing the bag of flour.

I pulled and the whole thing exploded.

I coughed up a storm, waving my hands around.

"Fucking chrome muscles!" I said, rubbing my eyes, there are some objects that as much more fragile now that my muscles have been upgrades like this paper back of floor that is no more.

I looked at the bowl, some of the flour fell in it, that will do, that's enough.

I grabbed two eggs, I guess this is a good amount, there is no precision.... And only the whites? The yolk? Both? Both? Both! Yeah both.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя