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So you will probably know but the mix up of all cyberware I will mention is not possible in game and all but fuck it, it is my story and I wanted a living weapon that has a chance against Smasher since you can't believe if they attack Arasaka that he won't be around.

I am only putting the name of the cyberware and what it will be doing for Zyber in this story, you can look it up later on this https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Cyberpunk_2077_Cyberware site to have what it actually does.


Understand? New names for new components and complete contradictions can happen if so I wish for this book, just putting the link there in case you wanna know what it actually does in game.


Frontal Cortex aka brain:

Mechatronic Core: 

Memory Boost: Like an SD-card in the brain, better ability to remember and recall memories

Self-ICE: lessens effects of enemy quickhacks, protecting her from being hacked.

Ocular System... Eyes!:

Kiroshi Optics Mk.3: basically enhanced vision, able to switch between vision modes and zoom.

Circulatory System:

Adrenaline Booster: Triggers the body's fight-or-flight response. This reaction causes air passages to dilate to provide the muscles with the oxygen they need to either fight danger or flee. Adrenaline also triggers the blood vessels to contract to re-direct blood toward major muscle groups, including the heart and lungs.

Syn-Lungs: Increases stamina because she runs out of breath harder.

Immune System:

Inductor:  When affected by EMPs/Shock, part of it gets stores to discharge later.

Pain Editor: Can suppress a percentage of the felt pain to help fight on.

Nervous System:

Maneuvering System: Helps with precise and minute movements, stability.

Nanorelays: Makes it easier to use the Sandevistan, instead of overloading the brain right away, with the nanorelays it lessens to load by taking part of it.

Integumentary System:

Fireproof Coating: Resistant to burns.

Grounding Plating: Resistant to shock based attacks, dispersing it in surface or loading the inductor up.

Heat Converter: Turns heat into electricity for the inductor. 

one parts of her body these materials are meshed together in alloy-like paterns.

Operating Systems:

Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan Mk.5: The highest grade Sandevistan in fanfic. Slows time by like 40% of it, Zyber limits herself to 2 second bursts but could push it to 20 in one go. Increases the damage and reflexes by letting the user using the same strength or speed as normal but in a short amount of time. The world taking a blue hue because of the slow and an after images of the user can be seen for them when they use it.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now