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|Some weeks later|
|Keegan Bierman|

I am just glad to be discharged. Toussaint has been such a darling, she deserves a date, but she doesn't need to know that. I know she still feels bad about everything. Our conversations or let me say some – are just a bit small. I try not to push it.

Alvira and Zariah are related??

I would have never guessed. That, now Paxton has mentioned it to me when the two were in the room. They shared their similarities, the eye shape and facial shape. The smiles are so similar, it scares me but they are two different characters I have noticed.

Overall I am just glad to be out the wheelchair. Felt 80, while being 19. I still haven't fully recovered yet but we are getting there. I made it part of my daily routine to start working out with dumbbells, arm curls, shoulder presses and etc. Jogging in early mornings. I don't know? This all woke up in me.

Opening the scene with Everret,myself and Todd walking around the neighborhood.

"Damn man. Ya' life is a movie for someone who just got here." Todd commented.

"I am convinced that you are stupid. You didn't know those two are related?" Everett lowkey rolled his eyes.

" I did not!" I defended myself, "I never saw it?"

"No lie Ev. It's pretty hard to tell, I agree with her."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed in relief.

"Blind ass chickens."

I just chuckled lowly and looked at my wrist watch. Ten to two. Zariah's dance lesson!

"Alright boys. Will see yall whenever I see yall. Gotta bounce?" I started to stay behind with the walking.

"Have you considered a threesome?"

I pushed Todd's shoulder, "Stop asking stupid questions. I am sure Stella is waiting for you."

"Ah fuck – my date!"

Everret just shook his head and laughed. I left them in commotion, crossing the road.

"Are you wearing a bullproof!?" Ev shouted from across the road, I gave him the middle finger while walking away. I could hear them laughing.

Assholes. I mumbled to myself, taking a short route to get to the campus studio. I had to take it easy but I made it on time eventually.

I swang the door open, greeted by a fruity aroma and a feminine figure dressed in khaki cargo pants and a black sports bra along with white sneakers.

"Zariah!" I called out happily and caught her attention.

"Kegz, Bonjour." She met me half-way, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek and I did the same.

She stepped back, "I actually called you for a talk." She fiddled with her fingers.

"Oh my days. I did not beat up anyone" I surrendered.

She shook her head. It was a first I've seen Zariah so serious, "Like a serious talk Keegan. Let's sit."

"...okay" I gave her a side glance and sat down on a chair. She fixed a chair to sit opposite me.

The Toussaint twinsWhere stories live. Discover now