Episode 9

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Jungkook's pov:

If I would say that I'm just angry then it won't be enough to explain what I'm feeling right now.

I went to y/n's house to talk to her but before I could even enter her building, my eyes fell on the park in front of the building.

Y/n was sitting on a bench there talking to a boy. An unknown stinging pain emerged in my heart. Who is he? was the question surrounding my mind.

Is he her boyfriend? Or maybe just a friend? But whoever he is it shouldn't be a problem to me. Right? Then why am I so restless?

Not wanting to go to them and know anything, I drove back home and directly went to my room.

Throwing my car keys at the table, and loosening my tie, I sat at the couch of my room with my legs resting at the table.

The last time I met her, she showed herself all suffering, but the reality is that she is living a happy life. She never needed the money and all she ever needed was a good life partner and I guess she got it too.

Then where am I in her life now? A past? She won't even remember me now as she'll be all happy in her life.

Shall I be happy about it or sad?

Lots and lots of thoughts surrounded my mind as I couldn't forget how close she was sitting to that guy.

I don't care for anything else but I need to know about that guy for now!

Two days later:

Y/N's pov:

It's been two days since I last met taehyung.

Two days ago when I told him about my plan to move back to my house, he seemed taken aback by my words. He was upset. Indeed he was. I could clearly see it on his face.

He's not been coming to the cafe too. I didn't text him either, because I think he needs some time.

Closing the cafe, I made my way back to the apartment.

It's really weird for me to walk back alone. I always have taehyung with me to walk me back.

The streets are all dark as it's quite late now. Gulping down, looking at the deserted surrounding, I was walking as fast as I could. My heart beat getting faster as I felt a shadow lurking behind me.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!", I shouted out loud as somebody grabbed my arm from behind.

Trying to get out of his grip, I started punching his chest with my small dainty hands.

"Why are you shouting!", He shouted with the same tone.

My hands which were earlier hitting that person's chest now froze.

This voice....

My eyes narrowed and head got lifted. Jungkook?

I took a sigh of relief and removed the sweat from my forehead.

Thank God it's you! I murmured sighing out loud.

"Then whom else should it be?", He said narrowing his eyes.

Getting out of the sudden panic, I know came back to my senses.

Rolling my eyes at him, I turned around to leave but he again grabbed my arm.

"Oh, I guess you were expecting your boyfriend.", he said, taunting and scoffed.

I again narrowed my eyes at him, confused by his words.

"Oh come on, I already know about him. I saw him with you, in the park the other day.", He said confidently.

Park? I guess he's talking about taehyung. But he's not my boyfriend!

"Stop saying nonsense he....."

Wait a second! Why am I explaining myself to him. I don't care what he thinks. It's not like he's my boyfriend.

"He what?", He asked in a curious tone.

I took my arm back from his grip and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"He is my boyfriend, my fiance or just friend. But Mr. Jeon Jungkook you're ain't nothing to me. So just stop following me and stop this apology drama!", I spat at his face.

Turning around, I started walking but he again stood in front of me me and blocking my way.

"Oh so he is someone important to you?" He said in a scoffing manner. "Then it means that you already moved on I guess?" He said leaning closer to my face.

"Moved on? Moved on from what?, I said folding my arms at my chest.

"The unending love you claimed you had for me.", He also folded his arms at his chest, mocking at me.

I laughed at his statement and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Jungkook let me tell you something which will actually bring you out of your guilt and you will finally be able to live your life happily.", I said with a wide smirk laminating my face.

"You remember, I told you about my parents and their controlling nature?", I asked.

"Yeah?", he answered nonchalantly.

"They used to control my each and every action and it made me more and more rebellious. The more they tried to cage me, the more I tried to cross all boundaries. And you were nothing jungkook, but just a boundary they forbid me to cross.", I said and he looked at me with a blank face with his eyes wider than before.

"It took me some time to realize but I eventually did.

You were just a game my parents forbid me to play but in my arrogance I still played it and gamlbed my heart over it.", I said and saw his hands now dropping besides him. His jaw was dropping low. He was just staring at me, thunderstuck.

"My parents wanted me to marry Jimin but me being me, took out a poor guy which I knew they will never accept.", I said and he just silently listened to me.

"Remember how impatient I was to run away? That was also because my parents would've disliked it."

"The reality is that you were nothing just a poor guy my parents would dislike. The reality is that even if it was any other guy but not you, it still wouldn't have bothered me even a bit."

"And the most important reality is Jeon jungkook that.... ", I got closer to his ears and whispered.

"I never loved you."

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