chapter forty nine: tattoos and bruises

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My moment of shock was abruptly interrupted as he ushered me out of the arena.

My shock turned into anger. I wanted to go over there and talk some sense into her.

Tell her to leave him alone or something. I tried to but Hunter's grip on my jersey was too strong.

I wanted to keep this quiet as Cal walked farther in front of us. "Hunter, please just let me talk to her."

"No." he whispered, still guiding me towards the parking lot.

"Why not? I promise I won't cause a scene." I plead, trying to persuade him.

He quickly spins me around and his hands cup my face. I look up to him and lose my breath.

My anger quells almost immediately as I melt in his hands. Dammit. How is he able to do that so easily?

"Can we drop this?" he asks in a whisper.


"Please." he adds, his thumb caressing my cheek.

Ugh. For him, I guess I'll leave it alone.

"Fine." I comply, leaning against his palm.

"Thank you." he whispers and we continue walking to the car.

I didn't like knowing that she literally sat a few inches behind me a couple minutes ago. I mean, she's the whole reason I'm doing this right?

There was one thing I was certain on. I was going to drop it for now, but if I saw her again, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to talk to her.

When we got back to the apartment I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I let the guys shower and laid down, watching some random cartoon.

I kept pulling the jersey closer to me, progressively getting tired. A few minutes later I felt someone sit down next to me.

I sat up and saw Hunter shifting uncomfortably with an ice pack on his shoulder. I scooted over and looked at where the ice was laying.

"Oh my god." I took in a breath.

There was a huge darkened area around his shoulder. Must've been one hell of a hit.

"Yeah, the guy got me pretty good." he laughed. "I'll live."

I softly ran my hand over the bruise, making sure not to press down. In doing so he took hold of my other hand and pulled me onto his lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a panicked whisper.

"Calm down, he's in the shower." He rolls his eyes, wrapping his free hand around the back of my waist.

I drape my arms around his neck and offer to ice his shoulder so he doesn't have to hold it awkwardly. He smiles and agrees, dropping his hand to my thigh.

His cold touch sent a shiver up my spine. Suddenly this felt way too intimate.

"Can I ask you something?" he says in a low tone.

I nod.

"I felt you tense up a bit when Carter mentioned beers earlier and I've noticed you never drink when we go out. Why is that?"

I bite my lip, staying silent. He's paid attention to that?

"You don't have to tell me I-"

I shake my head and cut him off. "No. It's fine-it's just a bit of a story."

"I'm all ears."

I nod and get ready to explain. "So, my parents were big drinkers. Always had something in their hands. After you left school I decided to try alcohol for the first time. I didn't like it but I was upset and it gave me a distraction, if that makes sense."

He squeezes my leg which tells me he's understanding.

"I continued to drink heavily until the middle of senior year. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was at a party talking to some guy. He seemed decent, nice, cute, all of that, nothing out of the ordinary. Then these two kids stumble behind us and one of them asks what day it is."

I took in a breath and continued.

"It was March 31st." I said and his eyes widened a little bit. "Yeah...your birthday. And I don't know why but I just got so angry. I placed my drink down and walked out of the party, not even saying goodbye to the dude."

"When I got back to school the following Monday, the guy had rape allegations against him. Apparently after I had left, he did some horrible things to another girl." I explained but my voice started to crack.

God I cannot be a crybaby over this.

"Hey, I get it," he trails his hand from my waist up to my back. "It's scary."

"It almost doesn't feel real. Like, that could've been me instead of that poor girl. It''s terrifying to think about." I lean my head towards his chest pondering my next words.

"I know, it's just another stupid sob story about my life, but that's the reason why I don't drink." I pitied myself.

"It's not stupid Dani. We all go through things and I'm sorry you had to go through that." he reassured me.

Somehow he made me feel better about it. I don't know how, but he always did. Maybe it's because he's the man who spiraled me into drinking and the one to help me quit it.

Kinda ironic if you think about it.

It was after the fact that I realized I was clutching his hand on my thigh. More specifically his pointer finger.

Rubbing my hand over his I noticed the small "x" tattoo from before and changed the topic.

"Can I ask you something too?"

He gives me an assuring nod. "Yeah."

"Why did you get this tattooed on you?" I held up his finger. "Does it have, like, any meaning?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.

He looked down at his finger and then back at me with a smile.

"Yeah, it does." he said simply. "You."

My eyes widened at his response. "Me?" I ask to clarify.

How could this tattoo possibly be about me?

"You've always done this thing while talking to me. Whether you were stressing out or telling some emotional story. You always seemed to hold onto my finger, running your thumb over that spot." he explained.

I stared at him in awe. He got a tattoo about me.

"When I turned eighteen I got it to remind myself of it. Because honestly I missed it when I didn't see you. And I also did want this," he pulled up his necklace, "to be the only reminder."

I think my heart melted. No, I think my entire body did.

My stomach was fluttering so much that I thought butterflies were about to burst out.

I needed to do something. I needed to show him how much that meant for me, because honestly I didn't know what to say.

A smile broke out on my face before I leaned down and kissed him. And I kissed him hard.

As always it was heavenly. He tasted like cool peppermint and smelt even better due to taking a shower.

When he kissed me back it sealed the deal on my feelings.

I liked Hunter.

And I liked him way too much to just be fake dating him.

And she finally admits it. Yesss!!!

The next chapters are going to be more interesting but hey, I can only write so fast!!


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