chapter ten: who is that again?

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Hunter's POV

I sped up towards the goal and pushed the puck out in front of me. I skated to the side and tried to backhand the puck in, but our goaltender gloved it.

We were working on breakaway shots and for some reason, my backhand was not scoring.


"Alright that's a wrap boys! Rest up, we have a game tomorrow!" Coach yelled.

Most of the guys skated off the ice and I was glad to see one of them leave.

Ryan is such a dick.

Ever since I've shown up he's thrown me dirty looks and playing with him is a nightmare.

What angers me the most about him is how selfish he is. He might be the most selfish teammate I've ever had.

If I can even call him that at all.

"Yeah he's definitely annoying isn't he?" Callum skates up next to me.

"Tell me about it. I can barely expect a pass back during play," I complained.

"That's Ryan for you," he shrugs.

"Selfish. I know," I rolled my eyes and set my stick on the rack. "How have you played with him this entire time?"

"I'm not even sure," he shrugged. "I guess we've all just gotten used to it."

Used to it. Oh hell no.


I got out of the shower and packed my bag to go home. It's nice having a teammate that can drive you home, but wherever Callum is has got him held up.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the tunnel. As I approached the exit I heard an argument.

"What are you talking about!" I heard someone yell as I turned the corner.

Instantly, I dropped my bag and ran over. "Callahan, what the fuck is going on?" I asked.

"Why don't you ask him," he points at Ryan. "Something's got him pissed off."

"Hey!" he shouts at me. "You're his roommate, why don't you tell me what you did to her!" he yells getting in my face.

"To who?" I asked, settling my anger as much as I could.

"To Dani!" he snaps.

Who is that again?

"You don't get to call her that," Callum steps in. "Only people who care about her call her that. And you don't care about her," he points.

"And why would you say that?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh please Ryan. You don't care about any of the women you get with. You're the most unloyal piece of shit I've ever met!" he shouts. "You think I don't see you around with other women all the time?"

"Why are you in my business?" he asks defensively.

"Our business is never private. You should be the first one to know that." I gave Ryan a pointed look.

He's sounding like a real piece of shit right now.

"Do you think you have a say in this?" he asks.

"No. But I'm gonna say shit anyways. I've been here a month Ryan and I can tell you're the biggest player on the team," I shrugged.

"You need to stop talking to her," Callum says sharply.

"And why would I do that?" he smirks.

"You're not good for her and she doesn't want you," Callum argued.

"Not what her lips were saying last night," he grinned.

What the fuck. I did not need to hear that.

"You piece of shit–" Callum lunged at Ryan and they were shoving each other again.

I tried to hold him back but he was already throwing punches at him. Part of me wanted to let him go but it wouldn't do him any good. I don't know who this Dani chick is but she seems to be causing some serious problems.

"Stop!" a high pitched voice screamed.

I was able to separate Callum from Ryan but not without a struggle.

"Fuck you Callum!" Ryan shouted as he walked away.

I felt him pull away from me. "Don't." I said holding him back.

Addison glared at Ryan as he walked down the hall. "What the fuck was that?" she asked, looking at Callum's face.

"Something about Dani. He's just causing trouble," Callum rolled his eyes.

"Who's Dani?" I asked.

"The girl who dropped off my jacket last night," she explained.

"Oh," I nodded.

"Speaking of Dani...have you heard from her Callum?" she asks. "She hasn't picked up any of my calls."

"No," he shook his head. "She hasn't talked to you?"

Addison shook her head. "That's why I came here."

"Can't she just be like...busy or something? Why are you guys so worried?" I laughed.

"Busy enough to not check your phone once at all?" Addison reasons.

"Just give it a day. I'm sure she's not dead." I shrugged.

"Hunter." Addison glares at me.

"What?" I shrugged.

What'd I say?

i kinda like making him sarcastic.


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