chapter sixteen: sick

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"Callum?" I asked, knocking on the door. The hallway was still and silent, and there was no movement inside. "Callum?" I asked again.

I still heard nothing from inside and backed away from the door. I was still furious about what happened so when I felt a tear slip from my eye I was confused.

Great. Now I'm crying.

I quickly wiped them away and headed down the hall. I didn't know where I was going to go but I just let my feet carry me.

I stopped halfway when I heard the elevator ding. I turned my head in embarrassment. I did not want some random person seeing me like this. I walked forward with my head down.

"Dani?" they stopped me in my tracks. I tensed as they touched my shoulder but when I recognized the voice, I calmed down.

I looked up with teary eyes and tried to give him a smile. "Hi," I whispered, wiping a hand under my eyes.

"Oh my god, what happened?" he asked, sounding worried.

I didn't give him an answer but I wrapped my arms around his torso. "I'm an idiot," I said into his chest. "I should've fucking known better,"

"Can you explain to me in my apartment?" he asked, pulling away from the embrace.

"Yeah," I whispered looking up at him. "Sorry, I got uhm–tears on your shirt," I sniffled.

"It's okay," he said, walking me down the hall. Unlocking the door I took my shoes off and he took off his jacket. "What's going on Dani?"

"It's embarrassing to say," I groaned.

"Well you didn't come all the way to my apartment without a reason, especially upset. Now what's going on?" he pushed.

"Ryan's a piece of shit." I looked him right in the eyes. I saw his mouth pull into a straight line. "But you already knew that, didn't you Cal?" my expression dropped when I saw his eyes shy away from mine. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I needed you to find that out for yourself. Trust me, I would've told you how I felt about him, but knowing you, you would've told me I was lying." he explained.

I had nothing to say to him. He was right. I would've told him he sounded stupid. "But why not try and mention it to me?" I asked.

"Because Dani, I'm trying to be your friend and not your parent. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I didn't think it was my place to say anything." he apologizes. "I've never liked him so when Addie brought it up one time, I wanted to tell you–"

"Addie told you about him?" I asked, sounding defeated.

"She did, and speaking of her. Do you want me to call her?" he asked. "You might find it easier to vent to her then to me."

I nodded my head. "Please, if that childish roommate of yours shows up, there will be too much testosterone in here," I rolled my eyes.

"And she's back," he smiled.

"Shut up," I said walking to the couch. I saw him bring his phone to his ear before he walked into the kitchen. I laid down on the couch and brought my knees to my chest. I was a tired wreck.

I shut my eyes but immediately had a flashback to this morning. His hurtful words kept repeating in my head and it made me gag. I opened my eyes and I felt sick. I rolled over and tried to make the nausea go away, but it didn't.

I dropped my head hoping it would help but it only made me feel something in my throat.

I was going to be sick.

I got up and ran into the bathroom. I kneeled down in front of the toilet and threw up. I stayed leaning over the toilet until my nausea went away. I groaned when I got up and flushed it down. Before I could leave the bathroom someone came rushing in and blocked the doorway.

"Danielle Thompson, what the fuck is going on!?" Addie shouted out of breath.

"How did you get here so fast?" I was surprised she was already in front of me. "He called you like five minutes ago,"

"I was on my way to your dorm when he called. Now please tell me you didn't just get sick," she asked in a motherly tone. When I didn't give her an answer she got upset. "Dani–"

"I'm just not feeling well," I admitted, drying my hands and walking past her. Laying back down on the couch I felt a headache come on.

She didn't hesitate to follow me. "What did he do to you?" she interrogates me. "Did he touch you?" she asked.

I looked her in the eye but I didn't say anything. I never talk to anyone about this stuff.

"Dani, did he touch you?" she asked louder than before. This brought Callum out of the kitchen and he watched from the archway.

"Dani, did he?" Callum asked, sounding angry.

When I looked back at Addie, she knew. "I'm gonna fucking murder him!" she got up from the couch.


"No! I am not letting some scumbag touch you and do nothing about it!" she shouted. "Callum where the fuck does he live?"

"Addie, can you please drop it?" I asked, getting up from the couch and walking towards her.

"No! I am not letting this go!" she countered. "Callum, where does he live?"

"Dani, why didn't you tell me about that?" he asked, looking at me with pity.

"Because it's my fault." I said.

Addie whipped her head around. "No it's not! He touched you–"

"Because I let him. Addie, I was never forced to do anything with him. I chose to and obviously that was a mistake." I explained. "Yes I felt uncomfortable, but I let him okay. It was my choice and my regret."

"But you shouldn't be getting sick over him," she counters.

"I know, it's just...I hate knowing that I let him make me feel so awful. But you don't need to stick up for me," I admitted.

"And you shouldn't be defending that piece of shit!" she crossed her arms.

"I don't want to, but I don't need you to go over there in my will. I don't like him equally as you both do right now, but going over there would be a waste of time." I explained. "So please, can we just sit down and hang out because I do not want to stress over him anymore."

The two of them looked very weary of my decision, but they complied and we dropped the topic. We all sat on the couch and I rested my head on Addie's shoulder.

"Callum, you're giving me that address." Addie demanded.

"No. He is not." I threw him a look.


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