chapter thirty three: forget

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I woke up the next morning feeling very rested. I slept like a rock.

I let out a groan as I rolled over and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw someone else in the bed with me.

I calmed down remembering who it was, but at the same time I also hated that. How could I tell him to leave and at the same time tell him sleep next to me?

Fucking contradicting thoughts.

Then my mind went back to last night, what the hell happened to me? And why did it have to be him?

I shook my head and felt my heart tug as I looked at his back. I buried my face in the pillow, muffling my cursing.

I cannot be feeling like this. Not again.

Taking my head out of the pillow, I stopped to see that he rolled onto his back.

He looked so peaceful. No. Stop. You're not studying him.

Carefully, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. My feet softly hit the ground and my ribs sting as I pull myself up.

Taking my phone off the nightstand I walk out of the room to make a call. It doesn't take many rings before they pick up.

"Dani! Hi!"

I pull the phone away from her screeching voice, "Hi Bev." I smiled.

"What's up?"

"I need to ask you for a favor..." I trailed off.


"I was hoping that I could stay with you for a few weeks, you know, until my injuries are manageable." I roughly explained.

"What happened to staying at Callum's? I thought-"

"Things got a little complicated. I just need a place to stay for a few, that's all."

"I mean yeah...ok. Do you want to come over today or...?" she asks.

"Yeah today would be great." I said. Preferred actually.

"Ok. I'll see you in a few."

"Ok bye Bev." I said before I kissed the phone and ended the call.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack, wrapped it in a paper towel, and pressed it lightly against my ribs.

I lifted up my shirt a little to see the bruising. I couldn't really describe it but it was fucking ugly.

I went into the living room and looked out the window. It was one of those mornings. The ones where the sky is grey, the snow flurries, the ground is slowly disappearing, and the windows are fogged.

One of those mornings. My favorite.

It took my mind away from everything for just a moment. But a moment I needed.

I snapped out of it when I had to readjust the ice against my skin. Letting out a small breath I layed on the couch and waited for a few more minutes to pass.

I checked my phone when the bag became watery and not very cold. I thought that was enough icing for now so I put it back in the freezer.

On my way back to the living room I saw Cal exit his room. I gave him a smile before walking back to my suitcase.

Changing in the bathroom I got a text from Beverly. I told her to come up and which apartment we were at.

I shoved all my clothes down into my suitcase and zipped it up. "What are you doing?"

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