Im sorry

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Hello everyone! Sorry if you expected a chapter but.....from the title alone, you could probably guess where this is going right?

Im sorry for no chapters for like....two-three months? 

I just had no motivation anymore to continue this fic from that point. I was slowly burning out of wholesomeness. Like compare the wholesomeness from recent chapters to early chapters.

It's like night and day right?

Anyone could tell that I was slowly losing my touch. The 2nd half of this fic was just KawaiiLumine writing in denial, but now KawaiiLumine has reached acceptance.

That's why Lumine just disappeared....leaving the fic for ded.

During the second half.....what i've been dishing out? I was pretty disappointed with myself. I could pinpoint the exact written lines where I feel like I was just writing for the sake of writing and no longer for fun. And that affected the results.

There were some chapters in second half that I was satisfied with....but the rest were pretty much a desparate attempt to keep myself alive while writing. lmao.

Maybe you won't notice the difference because you enjoyed the fic regardless of its multiple errors ( thanks for being patient with my typing errors, Im way too lazy to correct em ) and regardless of the subtle lack of attraction that the first half gave.

From then on, I really was just gonna dodge questions....and leave the fic for ded. Pretty horrible of me I know. I truly am disappointed.

Thank you for everyone who's read this far

Thank you for the votes

I may not respond to comments a lot nowadays, but I will respond to you all at once.

For those that commented their support and how much they love this fic.

Thank you! I love you all too! You guys were my support in the shadows when writing in wattpad. You guys are the reasons why I felt like updating everyday ( which I did back then ) but drained from this fic.

And for those who critiqued the fic ( I think? ) Thank you for that as well, it helped me imagine a better future for this fic ( ironically not gonna happen hahahah ) 

And for those that commented dirty shit in this fic.......I love those comments the most! ( actually debatable with the praise comments but whatevs ) It made the effort worth it. Comments can really help an author, no matter what random shit you type. I appreciate it all the same.

I just realized how the words I've written up until now sounds like im gonna retired from wattpad lmao. But the purpose is for me to retire from this fic....a proper formal goodbye i suppose.

I love this fic. When I made small oneshots about it.....who knew it'd gain so much traction to the point where it spawned an entire series on its own. I really didn't think much of it.....just thought of how cute this and that would be if Kiyo was like Komi....

But im glad it is the way it is.

Welp....this is goodbye. Thank you for reading till now, pls consider reading my other books. ( Tho the only ones im updating is oneshots and last elite standing )


KawaiiLumine is outta this fic~!

Is what I would say before today.

What happened today?

Oh nothing...


Did I get you guys this time? Did it seem more convincing?

They weren't lies btw. I genuinely meant everything I said prior to this.

But.....a certain comment in this fic....from the earliest chapters....

*sigh* You guys are lucky...

If it weren't for that comment, i would've left this fic for dead but...

That comment brought back some inspiration........the same inspiration I had from the first half of this fic.

It gave me ideas. Such a simple out of context comment gave me ideas and is building inspiration! Oh how this crazy world goes! never ceases to suprise!

I'll be revealing that comment in the future.

I'll only say this; Stay tuned for chapters!  ( Already beginning to write the rooftop fight ( kiyopon version! ))

And with that,  I say...

KawaiiLumine is revived back into this fic!

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