The first few days of absence....

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Third Person PoV

It's been a few days.

A few days since Kiyopon had locked himself in his room.

A few days since the people close to him had received any news about him.

" Kiyopon is not here again..." Haruka muttered, sadly as she stared at Kiyopon's empty seat.

" He's still not replying in our group chat. He's ghosting us.....but why?" Akito also showed concern.

" 3 days.....3 days since we last talked to him." Keisei frowned.

" Horikita-san, did he reply to you at least?" Mori asked once again.

" No." Suzune sighed. An anxious feeling welling up inside her." This is unlike him. I tried knocking on his door yesterday but there was no response."

Sakura gasped. " W-What if he-"

But before Sakura could assume the worst, Suzune quickly stopped that thought from escalating.

" Please don't assume the worst. I inquired about him to the receptionist lady and she said she'd seen him exit the elevator while it was class hours. He came back in precisely an hour." But then Suzune leans her cheek on her palm. " But....she also said that he didn't look well......"

" Then we need to pressure him to go out, right? I don't know why he's doing this but if it's affecting his well-being then we should just-" But before Mori could finish her suggestion, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom and the students quickly quiets down and sits properly in their seats.

" Good morning, Class D. Class is about to begin in a few minutes, if you have any questions then please ask-"

Ike raises his hand.

" What is it, Ike?" Chabashira asked.

" Sensei, I tried to ask you this question yesterday but where is Ayanokoji? Is he sick or something?" Ike asked, curiously.

" Most likely. Does anyone else have questions?" She gave Ike a quick answer and immediately moved on.

Suzune raised a brow at that.

' She brushed that question off so fast. Does she know something?' Suzune thought. She found Chabashira's dismissive response a bit suspicious.

In fact, wasn't Chabashira avoiding the subject of Kiyopon during the past few days? Like Ike had just said, he tried to ask Chabashira-sensei questions regarding the absence of Kiyopon but she always made excuses that class had begun and that questions should be saved for later.

' She knows something. I need to find out from her.' Suzune decided.

After all....

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