To be under the rain with a person you love / Their first encounter

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Third Person PoV

1. To be under the rain with a person you love.

Kiyopon was in the bathroom, drying his wet body with his towel after taking a nice shower to rinse himself before going to bed.

Kiyopon wrapped his towel over his lower half, concealing his dangerous weapon before proceeding to brushing his teeth.

A few seconds later, his phone had received a message notification while he was still brushing his teeth.

But to Kiyopon's convenience,  he had brought in his phone in the bathroom while he took a shower,  so he can check it easily.

Kiyopon grabbed his phone with his free hand and checked out the message.

' Is it okay for us to chat? Did I disturb you? ' It was a text from Sakura Airi.

' Yes, it's okay. I just got out of the shower.' Kiyopon typed his response and sent.

Kiyopon saw Sakura's bubble icon typing her response.....but it took quite a while before she sent her response.

Her icon kept typing and then suddenly disappearing again. This had repeated 4 times in a row....which made Kiyopon a bit concerned.

' Sakura? You're taking a while to respond. Are you okay?' He sent.

' I'm okay! Plz don't worry! 😅' she responded after a few seconds.

' Okay. Well, let me just finish brushing my teeth, you can go ahead and chat whatever you want. I'll respond in a bit.' Kiyopon sent before placing his phone down before continuing the brushing of his pearly whites.

Meanwhile, Sakura's face went red as she couldn't get a certain image out of her head.

I'm pretty sure the image I'm talking about is obvious to you, right?

But in case you're a complete cinnamon roll and didn't get the implications. Then I will gladly ruin your non-horny mind with a proper description of what our dear Sakura Airi had imagined in her head.

She imagined our silent protagonist, fresh out of a warm shower. His body dripping wet, his eyes staring at you with an inviting, seductive gaze, hot mist covering his lower region while we gawk at his wonderful upper body as he walks towards the horny Sakura and slowly pulls her close, whispering sweet nothings and dirty everythings, igniting a fire somewhere down her nether regions as she melts in his hot gaze.

.....Should I continue?

Nahhh, I'm pretty sure I made my point clear, so there's no need to go into further detail. :)

To summarize, Sakura was horny. :)

Authors, I want a dominating horny Sakura Airi! She's wasted potential in the LN but not in Wattpad! So for the sake of Sakura simps........WRITE HORNY DOMINATING SAKURA!

Anyway.....back to the main story.

Sakura fumed red as she muffled her cute screams in her pillow, in an attempt to extinguish such inappropriate thoughts of her crush.

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