Hornypon/Kawaii Arisu/ Volume 6: Summary

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Third Person PoV

1.  Hornypon ( ? )

1st place: First year, Class D


2nd place: First year, Class A

3rd place: First year,  Class B

4th place: First year,  Class C

The red team, which consisted of Class A and Class D students from each grade, had won by a landslide. Furthermore, first year Class D students had accomplished first place in the festival, which ultimately earned them 100 class points for both the placement win and overall win.

And with that...

Class C was in danger of losing their rank to Class D.

" Ryueen. they're closing in! That Kushida lied to us!" Ibuki whispered, angrily.

" Ryuuen-san, what are we going to do?" Another accomplice, Ishizaki, had asked in worry.

" Well, she tricked us. That's that." Ryuuen shrugged nonchalantly.

" Huh? You're just going to let it go like that?!"

"Tsk, Tsk. Such stupid thinking from you Ibuki, well, that's to be expected from a girl who only deals in physical confrontations." Ryuuen said.

Ibuki glares at him. " Then do you have a plan or not?!" she asked.

" Heh. Albert, show the attachment." Ryueen said.

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