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"I still want to be a seagull."

Dream glanced at Daniela by his side, the girl deep in thought as they waited for her grandmothers outside of the house. He looked around as if to make sure he wasn't hearing things and looked at her again.

He sighed and thought about it, too. "Hmm, I'd just like to be an ant." He shrugged his shoulders as his hand was placed in hers while the other was placed behind him. "Just eat sugar, food, be small enough to scurry around. What a life."

"I just fell harder for you," Daniela smiled at him and he chuckled, watching the way a black car parked right in front of the two.

Two women came out of the car in a hurry, heading to their granddaughter almost immediately that Dream took a step back as if he was gonna get trampled, too. Daniela looked at him, feeling betrayed, and sighed as she looked back at her grandmothers, already wincing.

"Where is that bitch?" Her grandmother, Lupe, asked, looking around as if Dolores would pop out. Daniela shook her head and Dream smiled from beside her, his mask still on.

"I'm going to beat her ass," her other other grandmother with the short red hair, named Lucia, commented. She dropped her head and shook it, a sigh escaping her lips. "I'm just happy you're okay. I'm sorry Dolores was a lying piece of mierda who took advantage of your family. Well... your father excludes from that."

"She had fun fucking him, too," Daniela sarcastically smiled after her grandmothers finished coddling her. Both of the women stared at her in shock and both Daniela and Dream chuckled at their faces. "Mom had left me a letter. Turns out she tried to leave, too, because Dad was hiring a nanny and that nanny was someone he was having an affair with. Mom wasn't going to leave me alone with her because she knew Dad was going to kill her so Dolores could become my second mother."

"I can't believe this..." Lupe sighed, her palm resting against her cheek. "Where is she?"

"Dead," Dream spoke from beside their granddaughter. His hands still clasped behind his back as he looked at them. "She tried to kill Daniela with poison and claimed it was because I was gonna end up killing her or something."

"My poor baby," Lucia hugged her granddaughter tightly, having Daniela gasping for a bit of air as she tried to push the woman away. "We could've lost you."

"Let the poor girl breathe," Lupe pushed her wife away softly so Daniela could catch her breath and watched as she did so. Dream softly patted Daniela's back and said girl took a deep breath, her arms aching a little. "Listen, you could've given us a call. We could've been here, mija."

"You've always been there," Daniela shrugged. "It would've been time for me to solve this on my own. I wasn't entirely alone, either. Everyone here took care of me."

"Yeah, because he is scary," a guard from beside them all spoke and Dream rolled his eyes. They have all become a bit too comfortable now that they know Dream won't do anything to them with Daniela around.

"We were just simply being decent human beings," Dream ignored them. Daniela and her grandmothers looked at him as he spoke, his hand placing itself on the middle of the girl's back. "We have also gotten closer to Daniela so of course we would save her."

"God, I still can't believe Dolores was always the bad guy," Lucia stared off in thought. She was wondering if all those moments her granddaughter have spent with her could've been her last. Surely, Dolores would've been just as fucked up as Ivan.

"That's why your dad wasn't that phased to give you away," Lupe continued further on to her wife's thoughts. "I just hate it so much. We trusted her. She was a family friend."

"Yeah, well, she was a bitch."

They all simultaneously turned to look at who the voice belonged to. Daniela smiled as she came to see Mr. V coming out of the house, his weight supported by Ms. Lenard who was making sure he was walking okay.

After the series of events that transpired around two days ago, Mr. V had badly injured his leg. Because although he believed he was shot on his chest, a bullet had imbedded itself onto the skin of his thigh. Luckily, nothing major was ripped or torn.

"Hey!" Lucia smiled at Mr. V and immediately hugged him. She also hugged Ms. Lenard who she had never met but, new people always became her friend. "What happened?"

Mr. V glanced at her and his leg as he hugged Lupe. "I got shot. Dolores decided to be such a big, cliche antagonist that she brought a whole crew to take down Dream and Daniela. I had to step in just how we planned it but, I got shot on the leg instead of just the chest—I had a bulletproof vest."

"I'm sorry," Lupe closed her eyes and shook her head as she listened to his words. "She tried to kill you two again?"

"Yes, Grandma," Daniela breathed out. "It was funny later on because it was such a cliche event. She teamed up with the enemy and he tried taking over Dream's mafia. Thankfully, we managed to kill them."

"'We'?" Lupe continued to question. Daniela looked at her sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head nervously. She cleared her throat.

"Um, I killed Dolores..."

The silence that came after was almost overwhelming. But, both grandmothers let out a sigh of relief as if they had been waiting for those news for a long time. Well, they have.

"Thank goodness," Lucia chuckled. "We have been waiting for your first kill."

"Huh?" Daniela furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the two as everyone else also stared at them with the same look of confusion.

"We were apart of a minor gang," Lucia answered, starting to answer her granddaughter's confusion. "That's how your mom met Ivan. Anything else you know, it's not entirely true. As fucked up as we are, we were waiting for your first kill. It's always a big part in our family. Almost like tradition."

Daniela's eyebrows furrowed even more and she let out a high and long, "Huh?"

"When we came to look for you the first time," Lupe began, "we didn't ask the police. We tracked your phone by ourselves. But, we have retired. We have. It's just nice to know that, you know, your great-great-and-I-don't-know-how-many-greats-I'm-just-adding-the-suspense grandma can be more at peace to learn that the last generation of De La Rosas followed tradition."

"Yeah, and we can see you're continuing the tradition by getting with this one over here," Lucia gestured towards Dream who was smiling under his mask.

"That's tradition?"

"We were never mad about you being here with him, mija," Lucia commented. "Listen, it's a lot to process and we'll tell you more. And yes, we haven't been in the game we didn't notice that Dolores was a the bad guy."

"And now we're gonna have to wait for babies from you two," Lupe scrunched her nose. "In a few years. We're not rushing."

Daniela chuckled and eyed up at Dream who was already staring at her. She looked back at her grandmas.

"Let's go inside. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"We can show them your garden," Dream spoke, grabbing her hand and Daniela's grandmothers looked at him, questioning what garden. "I made her a big garden with your favorite flowers, hers, mine, and her mom's."

"Come on! We need to go!"

"Okay, okay. Maybe we can continue talking shit about Dolores."

"I like that plan."


I didn't forget... you did....

But just one more chapter!!!

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