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"Put your dress on. We're going to practice dancing."

Daniela didn't have time to register what Dream had just said because by the time she fully processed his words, she was whisked away by the stylists who had been with her to do last minute touches.

"He's so annoying with just randomly showing up and demanding things," Daniela breathed out, rolling her eyes as she felt the dress being zipped up. "I'm waiting to slap him one day and I know I will."

The stylists could only laugh at her ranting and she sighed, shaking her head as she headed towards the guards awaiting for her outside the room. She was guided to the place where the gala was going to be taken place and when she arrived to said place, she was left in awe at the decorations around the room.

In the middle of it all, Dream stood on the dancing floor, eyeing everything and making note to fix some stuff. He had a black button up, sleeves rolled up, and a black mask, as usual, covering half of his face.

"You can leave now," he announced to his men without turning around. Both men followed his orders, door closing behind them. Dream turned to look at Daniela, eyes following the outline of her body shape in the dress. "Hmm."

The girl looked at him as he came closer, hands behind his back. "What?" Dream walked behind her and she shivered as he leaned closer to her, breath hitting the back of her ear.

"Gold is definitely your color," he mumbled as if it was some type of secret. Daniela shook her head, chuckling.

"Really?" She questioned him, raising an eyebrow as he moved in front of her. He shrugged, looking down at her. She glanced at his mask and looked back at his eyes, hands moving to hover above it. "May I...?"

Dream nodded and she tentatively raised her fingers to the mask. Bringing it down, Dream watched her every move, to the way her lips tilted up into a small smile. He couldn't help but do so, too.

"Now can I have this dance?" Dream mockingly bowed, sticking his hand out. Daniela snorted and grabbed his hand, placing the mask onto a table nearby. "The music should be playing any time now."

"Imagine if we just danced in silence?"

"That would be the most awkward thing ever," Dream chuckled, arm wrapping itself around her waist until his hand rested on the middle of her back.

Music played and Dream immediately guided them. Daniela could only look at her feet and then at him to make sure she wasn't stepping on his feet. The close proximity didn't help and she felt his hand tighten around hers.

"Why do we need to practice?" She asked in a low tone almost as if she spoke any louder, she would wake everyone up.

"Tomorrow," Dream mimicked the same tone, "everyone will look at us. Powerful people will be here and we can't mess up. We are the ones hosting the party, we are the ones they are going to look at to make sure we are perfect to do business with—keep your head up—and, we need to make sure no one gets killed."

Louder Than Words, 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌.Where stories live. Discover now