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"Don't you think we should let him go? I honestly don't want to waste my time having to track his every move just because he got caught cheating."

"And stealing, George," Sapnap turned around to eye his friend, "and stealing. Let's not forget how he basically stole not just from Dream, but he stole from me."

"You are the best leader," George turned to eye the quiet man who was resting on his chair, hands limp on the arms of it while his leg shook up and down, "how did you get stuff stolen?"

"I don't fucking know, George," Dream rolled his eyes, glancing up at him with his black face mask covering the lower part of his face. "Maybe because those fucking idiots outside don't know how to do a simple job."

"What did Quackity say?" Sapnap asked, referring to the one man in charge of the biggest casino. Dream sighed.

"He knows that Ivan is part of us," he answered. "Well, knows us well enough. So, he said that because Ivan is one of my men, I have to pay for that idiots debt. In other words, I'm going to kill Ivan when I see him."

"How much did he steal?"

"He stole money from Mr. V," Sapnap and George immediately snapped their necks to look at Dream who nodded, "I know. He went that extreme. He was supposed to pay for a shipment of," he grabbed a stack of papers, "meth. Never paid. Took the things, though. He needs to pay over $700,000. He also didn't pay for another shipment of pills which are worth $800,000 in total. So, $1,500,000 for Mr. V. With Quackity, he cheated on countless of games. He stole over another million dollars."

"He really is in deep shit," Sapnap mumbled. "From what I heard, Ivan was almost going into debt."

Dream grunted in response before continuing. "Ivan then stole one of our shipments which was worth around $20,000,000. It was up to Harrison and Alexis to check on that shipment, but did they do the fucking job right? No. So now I have to deal with my fucking money being gone and I am held responsible for this idiot's stupid ideas. As for you Sapnap, he just stole your... illegal fireworks so it's not that big of a deal."

"Not big of a deal?" Sapnap exclaimed, staring at his best friend with wide eyes. "He stole my shit!"

"Anyway," George breathed out, changing the subject as he noticed that Dream wasn't in the mood to deal with Sapnap, "did he steal anything else?"

"No," Dream answered. "That's about it. Who knows, though? He might've stolen something else and we haven't even realized."

"What a dumbass," Sapnap rolled his eyes, sitting on a chair.

"George, I want you to find him," Dream instructed his friend, his eyebrows furrowed together. "He's not that dumb so he's not going to use his credit card or anything."

"Got it," George breathed out, glancing down at the computer in his hands. A few minutes passed and Dream turned to look at Sapnap who was looking at the computer screen over George's shoulder.

"Sapnap," said man hummed and looked up, "grab Harrison and Alexis. I want to have a word with them."

Sapnap nodded and quickly went to get the two men. He came back with the two and Dream set his eyes on them almost immediately.

"Sit," Sapnap ordered, trying to hide the giggles threatening to escape his lips at noticing the way the two men shook with fear when they saw the way their boss glared at them. He gripped their shoulders and stuck his head between the space of their shoulders. "It's such a good today, hmm? At least for me."

"Sapnap, be quiet and go sit over there," Dream glanced at his friend and gave him a look that had him letting out a groan, grumbling under his breath as he went to go sit on a chair on the corner of the room. Dream turned to look at the two men and they saw the way his eye shape changed, indicating he was smiling. Mostly likely in a sarcastic way. "So, I'm sure you've heard about what Ivan did, huh?"

"Yes, sir," Harrison spoke loud and clear, knowing how much the man in front of him hated mumbling.

Dream looked between the two and leaned forward, palms resting on his desk. The two eyed the scar peaking through the mask by his cheek and gulped not so subtly as Dream glared at them harder if possible.

"You two had one job," he squinted his eyes at the two, glancing at his friends. "Just one simple job and that was to make sure that the fucking shipment came and came to me. Now where is that shipment?"

"It's gone, sir," Alexis answered and Dream nodded.


"Because we... weren't exactly paying attention to the shipment, sir," Alexis continued. Dream nodded and played with the rings on his fingers, glancing at George who nodded, knowing what he was going to ask.

"I have one more job for you two," Dream hummed. "If you fuck this up, Sapnap will take you both to the White Room."

The two looked at each other in panic, causing Dream to let out a smile.

"Ivan is in his boat by the ocean near that fish restaurant you two eat at," George spoke, turning his computer around for them to look at the screen. He pointed at the man who was partying in his boat with some other people, causing Dream to clench his jaw at what the man was doing.

"Bring him in," Dream demanded, not glancing at the men. "If you have to drag him by force, do so. Do not kill him. I want to hear what he says first."

"Yes, sir."

Dream waved them off and they immediately stood up. But just as they reached the door, the man called out for them. "I better see him here, boys."

Closing the door, Dream sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. Sapnap looked at him, a smirk tugging on the end of his lips.

"God, how does it feel like to be the boss?" He raised an eyebrow at his friend who crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it directly at his face.

"Go bring me some painkillers. Dealing with you all gives me a fucking headache."

"Shut up, dude. Go suck ass."


AHHHH writing for this
book is so exciting 😮‍💨😮‍💨

Another update will come
in a few 😎

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