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"So, what is this gala you were talking about?"

Daniela and Dream silently ate, the man having a well-sorted pile of documents next to his plate, having been scolded by Daniela. She had gotten him in trouble for "bringing his work" while he was eating which she considered rude. Which it was, so Dream, letting out angry mumbles, did what she said, shaking his head.

"I throw a gala every year for the people who I am close with," Dream answered, eyeing Daniela who was looking elsewhere while he ate, his mask displaced next to his rested hand on the table. "There are kids who grow up and their parents pass down their business to them every year so, I make amends with them."

"So, it's just business?" Daniela asked, arching an eyebrow while facing the painting not so far from them. Dream hummed. "Hmm, is my dad, I don't know, on their list?"

"You mean if they want to kill him?" Dream asked and he saw the girl nod. He huffed and furrowed his eyebrows. "I haven't received complaints. But, in the meantime, Dolores, Ms. Lenard, Mr. Adrien, and..." he sighed, "Mr. V, have requested to dress you up."

"What happened to my dad by the way?" Daniela frowned, still not facing Dream. "I haven't heard a lot of updates from him."

"Your dad got taken to Mr. V's house, he wanted to "peacefully" kill him then," Dream answered, emphasizing the quoted word that he and Daniela understood wasn't going to be as peaceful. "You can turn around now."

Daniela straight up in her seat, noticing the Dream had pushed away his plate and was now taking out papers from his folder. A pen was in between his fingers and his sleeves were rolled up. He was wearing his usual black clothing and there at the top of his face mask peeking out was the scar he was too anxious to show. Yes, scars can scare people, especially a big one like his, but Dream hated it. So many viewed their scars as an act of bravery, but he viewed his out of weakness.

Who caused that scar? He didn't want to tell anyone. Not even Sapnap nor George knew how he got it. The two just remembered that Ivan had come into his office for an emergency, they left together, and Dream was heading to their nurse to patch him up at sunrise.

"Hmm, can I speak to my father?" Dream immediately looked up and he sighed.

"Do what you want, Daniela," he simply said and she hummed, sipping her lemonade. "Though, if you do get yourself killed... not my problem or my issue."

"It is kinda your problem," Daniela made a face as she slowly nodded. "You are keeping me here so. since you're providing me shelter, I am therefore your responsibility."

"Not how it works, Daniela," Dream rolled his eyes and Daniela innocently smiled, shrugging a bit. The man instantly squinted his eyes as she suspiciously drank her lemonade. "Do not tell Mr. V."

"I wasn't planning on telling him," Daniela cleared her throat.

"Oh, yeah," Dream dragged out sarcastically. "You liar. You know you were. You know that Mr. V is gonna be on your side. He's gonna agree it's my responsibility."

"Mmm, then it is," Daniela glanced at him as she played with the bracelets on her hand, ones her friends had made her. Yes, she surprisingly had friends. How? Who knows. She was always awkward, having random bursts of energy that had her socializing, and she was very tired half of the time, so how did she have friends? Either way, they were all gone, her father having paid them enough money to leave her alone. "Come on, now that I basically live with you, you like it."

"Mmm, and who told you that big ass lie?" Dream raised an eyebrow. Daniela shrugged and stretched.

"I have cameras everywhere," she said with a strained voice.

"Oh, yeah," Dream nodded, going back to his documents, taking out a different phone. "Do you think a baby would like an American Doll?"

"They're scary as shit," Daniela answered, glancing at her cup. "But, if they're, like, a bit older, toddler-wise, I feel like they would. That's what I wanted when I was younger."

"Mmm, then I'll order that," Dream mumbled, glancing down at his paper. He eyed Daniela's confused expression and sighed. "One of my men, who was been working with me for years, has a 2-year-old daughter. I heard from someone that she's been wanting a toy but, I don't know what specifically."

"Oh, grab her a Cabbage Patch Doll," Daniela recommended and Dream nodded. He quickly called a guard to come in and spoke quietly to him. But, Daniela already knew what he was asking and sat back on her chair, exhaustion seeping through her veins.

"It's already being ordered," Dream hummed as his guard left, shutting the dining room door closed. "In the meantime, I want you to help me on the gala."

"Me?" Daniela looked around as if there was another person. Dream gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. "Continue."

"You got through Mr. V," he started, "which is hard for many to do. Hell, I didn't even know he was a jokester until he met you. So, what you're gonna do is that you're gonna help me with the Mobsters that are coming here."

"Help you with them...?" She asked, making sure she was listening right.

"Yep," Dream clasped his hands together. "They're all old and you easily give off those granddaughter/daughter vibes so, you're gonna talk to them, make casual conversation with them, and bring me up."

"So I'm your wingman?" Daniela teased.

"I need more allies and letting them know a woman like you with enough education could easily let me gain their trust," Dream ignored her words. "There are also young men, on the other hand. Their family business got passed down to them and they want somebody. You're young and they're young."

"You're young, too," Daniela retorted and Dream raised a hand up to shush her.

"And they want power," he continued. "So, if they know that you are with me, they will try to do anything and say anything so you can tell me about them."

"Hmm, get information and spread information," Daniela furrowed her eyebrows, a settled look on her face. "Got it. Fine, I'll do that. But, if I get groped, I'm punching a bitch. That's all I'm saying right now."

"I'm not surprised..."


Guess who's back? Back
again. I know, I know, it's been
almost a month... I think it's already
been a month but forgive me.

Now, I have something to say:

- Follow me on Tumblr where
you can ask me questions about
upcoming scenes and I will answer
and spill (I'll post the link on my bio)
(Ew I sound like a YouTuber...) (no
offense to YouTubers)

Fun fact:

The gifting the Cabbage Patch
Doll was inspired by Fat Tony,
an American Mobster. He gifted a
Cabbage Patch Doll to the daughter
of a man he was very kind to.

Louder Than Words, 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌.Where stories live. Discover now